02513 am 2200553 n 450 9910416504103321202001272-84832-405-810.4000/books.apu.8343(CKB)4100000011248761(FrMaCLE)OB-apu-8343(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/58703(PPN)244859841(EXLCZ)99410000001124876120200515j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierRugby : un monde à part ? Énigmes et intrigues d’une culture atypoque /Olivier Chovaux, William NuytensArras Artois Presses Université20201 online resource (184 p.) 2-84832-024-9 Quel rugby demain ? Cette question est bien au centre des préoccupations de la plupart des initiés. Chacun comprend l’origine de l’interrogation : le monde de l’Ovalie change et beaucoup craignent de ne plus y retrouver ce qui les passionne. Cet ouvrage réunit plusieurs contributions utiles pour lever le doute et les inquiétudes, pour comprendre ce que pourrait devenir le rugby. Les auteurs s’adressent aussi aux profanes, notamment à celles et ceux qui voient le rugby comme un monde à part : quelques énigmes devraient pouvoir être résolues ici, en particulier celle de sa curieuse distribution géographique. Cette tâche, double, n’aura pas été facile à mener, parce que le rugby est fait de singularités, parce qu’il se singularise, parce qu’on le singularise.Rugby Rugby Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourismrugbysociologie du sportrugbysociologie du sportHospitality Leisure Sport & Tourismrugbysociologie du sportAllain Bernard1325511Brehon Jean1299019Callède Jean-Paul603856Chovaux Olivier1285678Nuytens Williams1325510Saouter Anne1237711Vincent Joris1299025Chovaux Olivier1285678Nuytens William1325510FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910416504103321Rugby : un monde à part 3036924UNINA04245oam 22008654a 450 991078851700332120170814180438.00-8147-7722-80-8147-6912-810.18574/nyu/9780814769126.001.0001(CKB)3240000000068585(MH)010201804-9(SSID)ssj0000607150(PQKBManifestationID)11444537(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000607150(PQKBWorkID)10582848(PQKB)11423789(OCoLC)607854829(MdBmJHUP)muse10470(MiAaPQ)EBC865841(DE-B1597)547472(DE-B1597)9780814769126(EXLCZ)99324000000006858520070104d2007 uy 0engur|||||||nn|ntxtccrExtraordinary Justice[electronic resource] Military Tribunals in Historical and International Context /Peter Judson RichardsNew York ;London :New York University Press,[2007]©20071 online resource (xi, 267 p. )Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-8147-7591-8 Includes bibliographical references (p. 247-260) and index.American practices from the founding through the Civil War -- British military tribunals and martial law in the Boer War -- France and the Conseils de Guerre of the First World War -- Trials by military commission in the Second World War -- Wartime tribunals and the future of warfare.The Al-Qaeda terror attacks of September 11, 2001, aroused a number of extraordinary counter measures in response, including an executive order authorizing the creation of military tribunals or “commissions” for the trial of accused terrorists. The Supreme Court has weighed in on the topic with some controversial and deeply divided decisions, most recently Hamdan v. Rumsfeld. At this critical moment in time, Extraordinary Justice seeks to fill an important gap in our understanding of what military tribunals are, how they function, and how successful they are in administering justice by placing them in comparative and historical context. Peter Judson Richards examines tribunals in four modern conflicts: the American Civil War, the British experience in the Boer War, the French tribunals of the “Great War,” and Allied practices during the Second World War.Richards also examines the larger context of specific political, legal and military concerns, addressing scholarly and policy debates that continually arise in connection with the implementation of these extraordinary measures. He concludes that while the record of the national tribunals has been mixed, enduring elements in the character of warfare, of justice, and the nature of political reality together justify their continued use in certain situations.Courts-martial and courts of inquiryMilitary courtsElectronic books. Extraordinary.administering.are.comparative.context.critical.fill.function.historical.important.justice.military.moment.placing.seeks.successful.them.they.this.time.tribunals.understanding.what.Courts-martial and courts of inquiry.Military courts.343/.0143Richards Peter Judson1570937MdBmJHUPMdBmJHUPBOOK9910788517003321Extraordinary Justice3844922UNINAThis Record contains information from the Harvard Library Bibliographic Dataset, which is provided by the Harvard Library under its Bibliographic Dataset Use Terms and includes data made available by, among others the Library of Congress