04112nam 2200553 450 991078827720332120230808231833.01-61147-774-3(CKB)2670000000618748(EBL)2058195(SSID)ssj0001497928(PQKBManifestationID)11967920(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001497928(PQKBWorkID)11500654(PQKB)11170793(MiAaPQ)EBC2058195(EXLCZ)99267000000061874820150609h20152015 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrMormonism and the emotions an analysis of LDS scriptural texts /Mauro ProperziMadison, [Wisconsin] ;Teaneck, [New Jersey] :Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,2015.©20151 online resource (285 p.)The Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Mormon StudiesDescription based upon print version of record.Print version: Properzi, Mauro. Mormonism and the emotions : an analysis of LDS scriptural texts. Madison, [Wisconsin] ; Teaneck, [New Jersey] : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, c2015 xii, 269 pages Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Mormon Studies 9781611477726 2014048399 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Contents; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations of Scriptural Books that Appear in the Text; Introduction; A Latter-day Saint Theology; Methodology and Overview; Notes; Part 1: Emotions and the Mormon Worldview; 1 Emotion; Emotion through the Ages: Philosophical Views; Emotion Today: Scientific Descriptions; Distinguishing Different Emotions: Three Major Approaches; Notes; 2 Emotions; Cognitive Necessity; Personal Responsibility; Developmental Instrumentality; Notes; 3 Mormon Foundations of Existence; Mormon Doctrine: The Gospel as Principles in Tension; Materialistic Monism; Moral Agency; Notes4 Mormon Foundations of Eternal ProgressionRevelation; Repentance; Family Relations; The Atonement; Notes; Part II: Emotions and the LDS Canon; 5 Emotions in Mormon Scriptural Texts; The Mormon Canon; The Bible; Exploring Emotions in the Bible; Emotion Classification in the Present Analysis of LDS Texts; Notes; 6 Hope; Cognitive Necessity; Personal Responsibility; Developmental Instrumentality; Hope and the Atonement; Notes; 7 Fear; Cognitive Necessity; Personal Responsibility; Developmental Instrumentality; Godly Fear, Satan, and the Obstacle of Fear; Notes; 8 Joy; Cognitive NecessityPersonal ResponsibilityDevelopmental Instrumentality; Joy and the Spirit; Notes; 9 Sorrow; Cognitive Necessity; Personal Responsibility; Developmental Instrumentality; Sorrow and the Atonement; Notes; 10 Love; Cognitive Necessity; Personal Responsibility; Developmental Instrumentality; Love and the Atonement; Notes; 11 Hate; Cognitive Necessity; Personal Responsibility; Developmental Instrumentality; Hatred versus the Atonement; Notes; Conclusion; Directions for Further Research; Notes; Bibliography; Name Index; Subject Index; About the Author<span><span style=""font-style:italic;"">Mormonism and the Emotions</span><span> provides the construction of an introductory Latter-day Saint (LDS) theology of emotion that is both canonically based and scientifically informed. </span></span>Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Mormon Studies SeriesEmotionsReligious aspectsChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsEmotionsReligious aspectsLatter Day Saint churchesEmotionsReligious aspectsChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.EmotionsReligious aspectsLatter Day Saint churches.289.3/2Properzi Mauro1466758MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910788277203321Mormonism and the emotions3677369UNINA03655nam 2200745 a 450 991077923730332120230725060525.00-300-16849-710.12987/9780300168495(CKB)2550000000104987(StDuBDS)AH24393384(SSID)ssj0000721939(PQKBManifestationID)11416768(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000721939(PQKBWorkID)10693270(PQKB)11665922(MiAaPQ)EBC3420934(DE-B1597)485640(OCoLC)961560143(DE-B1597)9780300168495(Au-PeEL)EBL3420934(CaPaEBR)ebr10579333(OCoLC)923599495(EXLCZ)99255000000010498720100625d2010 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtccrToo much to know[electronic resource] managing scholarly information before the modern age /Ann M. BlairNew Haven [Conn.] Yale University Pressc20101 online resource (416 p.) Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-300-11251-3 Includes bibliographical references (p. 321-379) and index.Information management in comparative perspective -- Note-taking as information management -- Reference genres and their finding devices -- Compilers, their motivations and methods -- The impact of early printed reference books.The flood of information brought to us by advancing technology is often accompanied by a distressing sense of "information overload," yet this experience is not unique to modern times. In fact, says Ann M. Blair in this intriguing book, the invention of the printing press and the ensuing abundance of books provoked sixteenth- and seventeenth-century European scholars to register complaints very similar to our own. Blair examines methods of information management in ancient and medieval Europe as well as the Islamic world and China, then focuses particular attention on the organization, composition, and reception of Latin reference books in print in early modern Europe. She explores in detail the sophisticated and sometimes idiosyncratic techniques that scholars and readers developed in an era of new technology and exploding information.Reference books, LatinEuropeHistory16th centuryReference books, LatinEuropeHistory17th centuryReference booksHistoryCommunication in learning and scholarshipEuropeHistory16th centuryCommunication in learning and scholarshipEuropeHistory17th centuryNote-takingHistoryBibliographyEuropeHistory16th centuryBibliographyEuropeHistory17th centuryEuropeIntellectual life16th centuryEuropeIntellectual life17th centuryReference books, LatinHistoryReference books, LatinHistoryReference booksHistory.Communication in learning and scholarshipHistoryCommunication in learning and scholarshipHistoryNote-takingHistory.BibliographyHistoryBibliographyHistory039.71094Blair Ann1961-259226MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910779237303321Too much to know257886UNINA