05511nam 2200709 450 991078819910332120200520144314.00-12-802668-5(CKB)2670000000587373(EBL)1888753(SSID)ssj0001453798(PQKBManifestationID)11952213(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001453798(PQKBWorkID)11493117(PQKB)11414007(Au-PeEL)EBL1888753(CaPaEBR)ebr10999722(CaONFJC)MIL681466(OCoLC)898422471(CaSebORM)9780128025727(MiAaPQ)EBC1888753(PPN)19431264X(EXLCZ)99267000000058737320150110h20152015 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrReliability assurance of big data in the cloud cost-effective replication-based storage /Yun Yang, Dong Yuan, Wenhao Li ; Todd Green, acquiring editor ; Mark Rogers, designer1st editionWaltham, Massachusetts :Morgan Kaufmann,2015.©20151 online resource (107 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-12-802572-7 1-322-50184-X Includes bibliographical references.Cover; Title page; Copyright Page; Contents; About the Authors; Preface; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1 - Introduction; 1.1 - Data reliability in the Cloud; 1.2 - Background of Cloud storage; 1.2.1 - Distinctive features of Cloud storage systems; - On-demand self-service and pay-as-you-go pricing model; - Redundant and scalable virtualized resources; - Dedicated Cloud network; - Big data; 1.2.2 - The Cloud data life cycle; - Data creation; - Data maintenance; - Data recovery; - Data deletion; 1.3 - Key issues of research1.4 - Book overviewChapter2 - Literature review; 2.1 - Data reliability assurance in hardware; 2.1.1 - Disk; - Disk failure modes; - Partial disk failures; - Permanent disk failures; - Disk reliability metrics; - Disk reliability patterns; 2.1.2 - Other storage medias; 2.2 - Data reliability assurance in software; 2.2.1 - Replication for data reliability; 2.2.2 - Erasure coding for data reliability; 2.3 - Data transfer for distributed systems; 2.4 - Summary; Chapter 3 - Motivating example and problem analysis; 3.1 - Motivating example3.1.1 - The pulsar searching application process3.1.2 - The pulsar searching application data flow; 3.1.3 - Storing pulsar searching data in the Cloud; 3.2 - Problem analysis; 3.2.1 - Two major factors of Cloud storage cost; 3.2.2 - Data storage devices and schemes; 3.2.3 - Cloud network and data transfer activities; - Case for data maintenance within the data center; - Case for data processing within the data center; - Case for across data centers with DCI activities; 3.2.4 - Research issues; - Data reliability model3.2.4.2 - Minimum replication calculation and benchmark3.2.4.3 - Cost-effective data reliability assurance mechanism; - Cost-effective data transfer strategy for data creation and data recovery; 3.3 - Summary; Chapter 4 - Generic data reliability model in the cloud; 4.1 - Properties of the data reliability model; 4.1.1 - Reliability metrics; 4.1.2 - Data reliability model type; 4.1.3 - Failure rate pattern of storage devices; 4.2 - Generic data reliability model; 4.2.1 - Data reliability with static disk failure rate; 4.2.2 - Data reliability with variable disk failure rate4.2.3 - Generic data reliability model for multi-replicas4.3 - Summary; Chapter 5 - Minimum replication for meeting the data reliability requirement; 5.1 - The minimum replication calculation approach; 5.1.1 - Minimum replication calculation formulas; 5.1.2 - Optimization of the minimum replication calculation formulas; 5.2 - Minimum replication benchmark; 5.3 - Evaluation of the minimum replication calculation approach; 5.4 - Summary; Chapter 6 - Cost-effective data reliability assurance for data maintenance; 6.1 - Proactive replica checking; 6.2 - Overview of PRCR; 6.2.1 - User interface6.2.2 - PRCR node With the rapid growth of Cloud computing, the size of Cloud data is expanding at a dramatic speed. A huge amount of data is generated and processed by Cloud applications, putting a higher demand on cloud storage. While data reliability should already be a requirement, data in the Cloud needs to be stored in a highly cost-effective manner. This book focuses on the trade-off between data storage cost and data reliability assurance for big data in the Cloud. Throughout the whole Cloud data lifecycle, four major features are presented: first, a novel generic data reliability model for describing Cloud computingBig dataCloud computing.Big data.004.6782Yang Yun1557303Yuan DongLi WenhaoGreen ToddRogers MarkMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910788199103321Reliability assurance of big data in the cloud3820701UNINA