01704oam 2200421 450 991014147550332120230422031828.09789012013482901201348810.26530/OAPEN_438959(CKB)2670000000334424(OAPEN)438959(EXLCZ)99267000000033442420130212d1976 fh 0duturuu#---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierOverzicht externe adviesorganen van de centrale overheid /Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid's-Gravenhage :WRR, Staatsuitgeverij,1976.1 online resource ([373] pages) digital file(s)Rapporten aan de regering ;11Includes indexes.Print version: 9012013488 1. Woord vooraf -- 2. Overzicht van adviesorganen -- 3. Lijst van departementale contactpersonen -- 4. Personenregister -- 5. Adviesorganen-registerOverzicht op basis van enquête. Aanbeveling: het overzicht van externe adviesorganen moet periodiek worden bijgehouden door het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.Rapporten aan de regering ;11.Executive advisory bodiesNetherlandsDirectoriesPolitics & governmentbicsscNetherlandsPublic administrationExecutive advisory bodiesPolitics & governmentUkMaJRUBOOK9910141475503321Overzicht externe adviesorganen van de centrale overheid2205214UNINA03777nam 2200601 450 991078818330332120230126211110.01-4422-4481-X(CKB)2670000000588454(EBL)1903387(SSID)ssj0001403244(PQKBManifestationID)12605381(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001403244(PQKBWorkID)11365414(PQKB)10902637(MiAaPQ)EBC1903387(Au-PeEL)EBL1903387(CaPaEBR)ebr11025432(CaONFJC)MIL683301(OCoLC)898769367(EXLCZ)99267000000058845420141202h20152015 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrWicked problems, workable solutions /Daniel YankelovichLanham, Maryland :Rowman & Littlefield,[2015]©20151 online resource (225 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-4422-4480-1 1-322-52019-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Table of Contents; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; I: Elitism versus Democracy; 1 Introduction: America's Wicked Problems; 2 Retrofitting the Plumbing of Democracy; 3 A Plea for Adaptive Sanity; 4 Four Wrong Turns; 5 Why We Can't Rely on Our Culture; 6 Straight and Crooked Thinking; 7 Caring and Stewardship; 8 Elite Forms of Groupthink; 9 From Martin Heidegger to Lloyd Blankfein; 10 Transitioning to a Thoughtful Public-A Strategy; II: Understanding the Public's "Learning Curve"; 11 An Accidental Profession; 12 Starting My Own Firm; 13 Part Science . . .; 14 Part Circus . . .; 15 Smart People, Dumb Mistakes16 New Methods of Conducting Research17 Research Designed for Action; 18 Never Present More than One Idea at a Time; 19 Tracking the Cultural Revolution; 20 A Special Brand of Rebellion; 21 Who's Afraid of the "Generation Gap"?; 22 High-Risk Experiments without a Net; 23 America Tells Itself a New Story; 24 The Yankelovich Monitor; 25 Founding the Public Agenda; 26 The Elitist Double Whammy; 27 Missed Chances to Regain the Public Trust; 28 Coming to Public Judgment; 29 Losing the Battle with the News Media; 30 How My Philosophy for Living Evolved; III: My Philosophy for Living31 Dinner with Quine32 How Scientism Nearly Devoured Philosophy; 33 My Wrong Map Problem; 34 A Look at Existentialism; 35 Finding a Better Framework; 36 Applying Philosophy to Psychoanalysis; 37 "Ego and Instinct" in Retrospect; 38 The Mind-set of the Iron Cage: Prying It Open; 39 Don't Fight Human Nature!; 40 Co-evolution; 41 Culture Is Inescapable . . .; 42 Structuring Your Own Philosophy for Living; 43 Some Philosophical Tweets to Live By; Notes; Bibliography; Index; About the Author<span><span>As a commentator, citizen, and advisor, Daniel Yankelovich has had a long career reporting and analyzing national issues, trends, and opinions. Here, he shares the philosophical foundation of his successful career and revisits some of his breakthrough experiences, drawing insightful conclusions applicable to our current condition. </span></span><br /><span><span> </span></span>Political cultureUnited StatesSocial psychologyUnited StatesUnited StatesCivilization21st centuryPolitical cultureSocial psychology973.93Yankelovich Daniel526750MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910788183303321Wicked problems, workable solutions3712833UNINA