02185nam--2200409---450-99000209151020331620041019113911.0000209151USA01000209151(ALEPH)000209151USA0100020915120041019g19481975km-y0itay0103----bafreFR||||||||001yyCatholicisme hier, aujourd'hui, demainencyclopédie en sept volumesdirigée par G. Jacquemet[puis] encyclopedie publiée sous le patronage de l'Institut catholique de Lille par G. Mathon et G.H. Boudry]ParisLetouzey et Ané1948-1975v.28 cmDopo i volumi 1-7 la pubblicazione continua a fascicoli numerati a partire dal n.33<1-7> : A-Lutte des classes ; <33> : Lux-Malebranche. - 1976. - 256 col. ; <34> : Malebranche-Mariage. - 1977. - Col.257-512 ; <35> : Mariage-Martory. - 1978. - Col.513-768 ; <38> : Messianisme-Miracle. - 1980. - 256 col ; <39> : Miracle-Monachisme. - 1980. - Col.257-512 ; <40> : Monachisme-Mort. - 1980. - Col.513-768 ; <41> : Mort-Napoléon Ier. - 1981. - Col.769-1024 ; <42> : Napoleon Ier-Nilammon. - 1982. - Col.1025-1280 ; <43/I> : Nilammon-Oecumenisme. - 1982. - Col.1281-1536 ; <44> : Oecumenisme (2. partie)-Oriocourt. - 1983. - 256 col. ; <45> : Oriocout-Pantheisme. - 1984. - Col.257-512 ; <46> : Pantheisme-Pastorale. - 1984. - Col.513-768 ; <47> : Pastorale-Péché. - 1985. - Col.769-1024 ; <48> : Péché-Perpétuité de l'église. - 1986. - Col.1025-1272 ; <49> : Perpignan-Pie 5. - 1986. - 256 col. ; <50> : Pie 5.-Plérome. - 1986. - Col.257-51220012001001-------2001CattolicesimoStoriaEnciclopedia e dizionari203JAQUEMENT,G.MATHON,G.BOUDRY,G.H.ITsalbcISBD990002091510203316203 CAT I51905 E.C.203203 CAT 5026822 E.C.203BKECOSIAV31020041019USA011139CATHOLICISME hier aujourd'hui demain636482UNISA02645nam 2200601 450 991078818280332120230126211121.01-61147-456-6(CKB)2670000000588460(EBL)1903393(SSID)ssj0001401727(PQKBManifestationID)12540010(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001401727(PQKBWorkID)11357254(PQKB)11630332(MiAaPQ)EBC1903393(Au-PeEL)EBL1903393(CaPaEBR)ebr11025262(CaONFJC)MIL683307(OCoLC)898769372(EXLCZ)99267000000058846020110722h20122012 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrCultures of violence in the new German street /Patricia Anne SimpsonMadison [New Jersey] :Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,[2012]©20121 online resource (253 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-61147-455-8 1-322-52025-9 Includes bibliographical references (pages 221-230) and index.Includes filmography: page 231.Cultures Of Violence In The New German Street; Contents; List of Illustrations; Preface; Acknowledgments; Introduction Cultures of Violence in the New German Street; Chapter 1 Fighting for the Streets; Chapter 2 Chaos Days; Chapter 3 Primal Scenes: Signatures of Violence from the Right; Chapter 4 German Vernaculars; Chapter 5 Street Signs and Cultural Corridors; Chapter 6 Syntax of the Street: New Fraternities and the Concept of Home; Conclusion Europe and Transnational Violence; Bibliography; Index; About the AuthorThis book examines the street as both a material and ideological space constructed by cultural anxieties and affiliations. The early twenty-first century brought a new cartography of the street that inscribes a narrative of identity and difference, engaging discources of political, economic, and ethnic subjectivities.ViolenceGermanyPopular cultureGermanyGermanySocial conditions21st centuryGermanySocial policyViolencePopular culture303.60943Simpson Patricia Anne1958-1491161MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910788182803321Cultures of violence in the new German street3712829UNINA