03150oam 2200589K 450 991078816580332120190503073424.00-262-32807-00-262-32806-2(CKB)2670000000597978(OCoLC)905867931(CaPaEBR)ebrary11024937(SSID)ssj0001439774(PQKBManifestationID)12612492(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001439774(PQKBWorkID)11382731(PQKB)11144865(MiAaPQ)EBC3339943(OCoLC)903930941(OCoLC)905867931(OCoLC-P)903930941(MaCbMITP)9290(Au-PeEL)EBL3339943(CaPaEBR)ebr11024937(CaONFJC)MIL733147(OCoLC)903930941(EXLCZ)99267000000059797820150224d2015 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrArchitecting the future enterprise /Deborah J. Nightingale and Donna H. RhodesCambridge, Massachusetts ;London, England :The MIT Press,[2015]1 online resource (197 p.) Includes index.0-262-02882-4 1-336-01862-3 Preface -- Why architecting matters -- The aries framework -- Understanding the enterprise landscape -- Performing stakeholder analysis -- Capture current architecture -- Create holistic vision of future -- Generating alternative architectures -- Decide on future architecture -- Develop implementation plan -- Lm devices case study -- Seven architecting imperatives -- Appendix A: Architecting case study : I-Software systems ISSA -- Appendix B: Architecting case study : allan design group -- Notes.This book offers a framework for enterprise transformation. Successful transformation, the authors believe, starts with a holistic approach, taking into consideration all facets of the enterprise and its environment rather than focusing solely on one factor -- information technology, for example, or organizational structure. The ARIES (Architecting Innovative Enterprise Strategy) framework, including a ten enterprise element model and an architecting process model, is shown. Nightingale and Rhodes explain how to create a holistic vision for the future enterprise and how to generate concepts and alternative architectures. Techniques for evaluating possible architectures, tools for implementation planning, and strategies for communicating with stakeholders are described. Real-world examples are offered throughout. An extensive case study of enterprise transformation at a medical device manufacturer is presented. --Edited summary from book.Business enterprisesBUSINESS/ManagementBusiness enterprises.658Nightingale Deborah J.857222Rhodes Donna H.OCoLC-POCoLC-PBOOK9910788165803321Architecting the future enterprise3714842UNINA