03749nam 22007335 450 991013670140332120200424112023.00-226-92353-310.7208/9780226923536(CKB)3710000000907321(MiAaPQ)EBC4717455(StDuBDS)EDZ0001665993(DE-B1597)523174(OCoLC)960701281(DE-B1597)9780226923536(EXLCZ)99371000000090732120200424h20162016 fg engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierBleak Liberalism /Amanda AndersonChicago : University of Chicago Press, [2016]©20161 online resource (182 pages)Previously issued in print: 2016.0-226-92352-5 0-226-92351-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- 1. Bleak Liberalism -- 2. Liberalism in the Age of High Realism -- 3. Revisiting the Political Novel -- 4. The Liberal Aesthetic in the Postwar Era: The Case of Trilling and Adorno -- 5. Bleak Liberalism and the Realism/Modernism Debate: Ellison and Lessing -- Notes -- Bibliography -- IndexWhy is liberalism so often dismissed by thinkers from both the left and the right? To those calling for wholesale transformation or claiming a monopoly on "realistic" conceptions of humanity, liberalism's assured progressivism can seem hard to swallow. Bleak Liberalism makes the case for a renewed understanding of the liberal tradition, showing that it is much more attuned to the complexity of political life than conventional accounts have acknowledged. Amanda Anderson examines canonical works of high realism, political novels from England and the United States, and modernist works to argue that liberalism has engaged sober and even stark views of historical development, political dynamics, and human and social psychology. From Charles Dickens's Bleak House and Hard Times to E. M. Forster's Howards End to Doris Lessing's The Golden Notebook, this literature demonstrates that liberalism has inventive ways of balancing sociological critique and moral aspiration. A deft blend of intellectual history and literary analysis, Bleak Liberalism reveals a richer understanding of one of the most important political ideologies of the modern era.Liberalism in literatureAmerican literature20th centuryHistory and criticismEnglish literature19th centuryHistory and criticismRealism in literatureModernism (Literature)Politics and literatureLiteraturePhilosophyLiberalismLionel Trilling.character.cold war.liberalism.modernism.neoliberalism.political novel.realism.Liberalism in literature.American literatureHistory and criticism.English literatureHistory and criticism.Realism in literature.Modernism (Literature)Politics and literature.LiteraturePhilosophy.Liberalism.810.9/3581Anderson Amanda, authttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut864164DE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK9910136701403321Bleak Liberalism1928833UNINA04072nam 2201045z- 450 991063778320332120231214133212.03-0365-5806-3(CKB)5470000001631705(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/94551(EXLCZ)99547000000163170520202212d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEntropy-Based Applications in Economics, Finance, and ManagementBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (276 p.)3-0365-5805-5 This book presents selected entropy-based applications in economics, finance and management research. The high-quality studies included in this book propose and discuss new tools and concepts derived from information theory to investigate various aspects of entropy with an assortment of applications. A wide variety of tools based on entropy confirms that entropy is potentially one of the most intricate scientific concepts. Such tools as Shannon entropy, transfer entropy, sample entropy, structural entropy, maximum entropy, fuzzy classification methods, chaos tools, etc., are utilized, and many topics in the fields of economics, finance and management are investigated. Among others, these topics comprise: market clustering, market microstructure, cryptocurrency market, market efficiency and regularity, risk spillovers, credit cycles, financial networks, income inequality, market relationships, causal inference in time series, group decision making, etc.Information technology industriesbicsscComputer sciencebicssccrowded tradingtail-riskfinancial stabilityentropymarket microstructuredimensions of market liquiditymarket depthhigh-frequency dataintra-day seasonalitybond marketfixed income securityrisk spilloversstructural entropygeneralized variance decompositioncomplex networkcredit-to-GDP gapcoherencesimilaritysynchronicityCentral and Eastern European countriescryptocurrenciesmutual informationtransfer entropydynamic time warpinginterval numbersMCGDMTOPSISobjective weightsfinancial marketsmonetary policynetworksfuzzy c-means classification methodCOVID-19epidemic statesEuropestock marketmarket connectednesscrisisnonlinear dynamicschaosbutterfly effectenergy futuresMean Logarithmic DeviationShannon entropyincome inequalityhousehold incomedecomposition of income inequalityEU-SILCRényi entropyRényi transfer entropyRössler systemmultivariate time seriesSample Entropy (SampEn)stock market indexregularitypredictabilityGlobal Financial Crisisrolling-windowInformation technology industriesComputer scienceOlbryś Joannaedt1285500Olbryś JoannaothBOOK9910637783203321Entropy-Based Applications in Economics, Finance, and Management3019611UNINA03637oam 2200637I 450 991078816210332120230807205101.01-56324-840-91-315-70185-51-317-46310-210.4324/9781315701851 (CKB)2670000000599145(EBL)1982549(SSID)ssj0001438507(PQKBManifestationID)12623851(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001438507(PQKBWorkID)11377735(PQKB)11185327(MiAaPQ)EBC1982549(OCoLC)958106771(EXLCZ)99267000000059914520180706e20152001 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrPeasants without the party grass-roots movements in twentieth-century China /Lucien BiancoLondon ;New York :Routledge,2015.1 online resource (340 p.)Asia and the Pacific Peasants without the party "An East Gate book."First published 2001 by M.E. Sharpe.Published with the assistance of the Centre National du Livre, Paris.1-56324-839-5 1-336-13825-4 Cover; Half Title; Series Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Introduction; 1. Secret Societies and Peasant Self-Defense, 1921-1933; 2. Reflections on Chinese Peasants and Revolution; 3. A Peasant Revolution?; 4. How Credible Are the Numbers?; 5. Peasant Uprisings Against Poppy-Tax Collection inSuxian and Lingbi (Anhui) in 1932; 6. The Responses of Opium Growers to EradicationCampaigns and the Poppy Tax, 1907-1949; 7. Resistance to Land Rent, 1895-1949; 8. Looting and Food Riots; 9. Early Twentieth-Century Xiedou10. Xiedou during the Second Half of the Twentieth Century11. Peasant Responses to the Chinese Communist PartyMobilization Policies, 1937-1945; 12. Peasant Resistance in the PRC; 13. Weak Weapons; Appendix 1: Time Distribution of Rural Disturbances; Appendix 2: Cases of Peasant Resistance to Opium Eradication Campaigns, 1907-1949; Appendix 3: Cases of Peasant Resistance to Opium Tax, 1896-1949; Appendix 4: Geographical Distribution of Tenant Disturbances(1895-1949) According to Various Sources; Appendix 5: Differences and Convergences BetweenBernhardt's and My Own ViewsGlossary of Chinese TermsIndexExploring one of the most dynamic and contested regions of the world, this series includes works on political, economic, cultural, and social changes in modern and contemporary Asia and the Pacific. The leading specialist on China's twentieth century peasant resistance reexamines, in bold and original ways, the question: Was the Chinese peasantry a revolutionary force? Where most scholarly attention has focused on Communist-led peasant movements, Bianco's story is one of peasant thought and action largely unmediated by modern political parties. This volume pays particular attention to the firsAsia and the Pacific (Armonk, N.Y.)PeasantsChinaPeasant uprisingsChinaPeasantsPeasant uprisings305.5/633/09510904305.563309510904Bianco Lucien.214988Centre national du livre (France)MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910788162103321Peasants without the party3714808UNINA