02678 am 2200613 n 450 991041802650332120200204979-1-03-654753-910.4000/books.pupo.5358(CKB)4100000010959058(FrMaCLE)OB-pupo-5358(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/49018(PPN)244248095(EXLCZ)99410000001095905820200414j|||||||| ||| 0enguu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGuidelines for Translation from French into English /Robin LambertNanterre Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre20201 online resource (152 p.) 2-84016-204-0 Des montagnes de l’Asie centrale aux déserts d’Egypte, des rues de Paris au pôle Nord, les agents d’une équipe d’élite mènent une lutte acharnée contre un ennemi redoutable. Disposant des toutes dernières technologies en matière de renseignement et de matériel militaire, ils combattent un puissant marchand d’armes et sa mystérieuse organisation terroriste, qui cherchent à plonger le monde dans le chaos... À première vue, ces paroles semblent faciles à traduire - mais il y a des pièges. Du, de la, des ne sont pas toujours ‘of ’, et mener n’est pas ‘to lead’. Où utiliser le mot ‘the’ ? C’est l’équivalent linguistique d’un dispositif explosif de circonstance. Ce manuel, comme un détecteur de mines, cherche à vous aider à éviter les failles sismiques entre la langue française et la langue anglaise, pour arriver en sécurité à une traduction correcte - sans plonger dans le chaos d’une traduction mot-à-mot.LinguisticstranslationFrench languageEnglish languageword-for-wordthememother tonguevocabularyEnglish languageword-for-wordvocabularymother tonguetranslationthemeFrench languageLinguisticstranslationFrench languageEnglish languageword-for-wordthememother tonguevocabularyLambert Robin1289463FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910418026503321Guidelines for Translation from French into English3021187UNINA05353nam 2200613 450 991078804620332120230120013018.00-12-420090-7(CKB)2670000000590423(EBL)1910045(SSID)ssj0001432338(PQKBManifestationID)11759428(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001432338(PQKBWorkID)11406524(PQKB)11102097(MiAaPQ)EBC1910045(EXLCZ)99267000000059042320150116h20152015 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrBusiness continuity from preparedness to recovery a standards-based approach /Eugene Tucker ; designer, Mark RogersOxford, [England] ;Waltham, Massachusetts :Butterworth-Heinemann,2015.©20151 online resource (325 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-12-420063-X 1-322-55475-7 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.Front Cover; Business Continuity from Preparedness to Recovery: A Standards-Based Approach; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; Digital Assets; FOR THE INSTRUCTOR; Introduction; BUSINESS CONTINUITY PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT; PLANNING ACCORDING TO THE STANDARDS; CERTIFICATION PROCESS; CHOOSING THE CORRECT STANDARD; THE HOW AND WHAT OF THE STANDARDS; REFERENCES; CHAPTER 1 - BUSINESS CONTINUITY-A DEFINITION AND A BRIEF HISTORY; 1.1 INTRODUCTION; 1.2 HISTORY; 1.3 MANY DEFINITIONS; 1.4 REVIEW; BIBLIOGRAPHY; CHAPTER 2 - UNDERSTANDING THE STANDARDS; 2.1 INTRODUCTION; 2.2 PROCESS APPROACH2.3 PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT2.4 ORGANIZATION OF STANDARDS; 2.5 REVIEW; BIBLIOGRAPHY; CHAPTER 3 - BUILDING A BUSINESS CONTINUITY CAPABILITY; 3.1 INTRODUCTION; 3.2 LEADERSHIP; 3.3 BUSINESS CONTINUITY MANAGER; 3.4 SCOPE OF THE BCMS; 3.5 POLICY; 3.6 BUSINESS CONTINUITY OBJECTIVES AND PROJECT PLANNING; 3.7 COMPETENCE AND AWARENESS; 3.8 DOCUMENT CONTROL; 3.9 STEERING COMMITTEE; 3.10 REVIEW; BIBLIOGRAPHY; CHAPTER 4 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT-PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE; 4.1 INTRODUCTION; 4.2 PREPAREDNESS; 4.3 RESPONSE; 4.4 REVIEW; CHAPTER 5 - BUSINESS IMPACT ANALYSIS; 5.1 INTRODUCTION5.2 BUSINESS IMPACT ANALYSIS PROCESS5.3 REANALYSIS; 5.4 CONFIDENTIALITY; 5.5 REVIEW; CHAPTER 6 - RISK ASSESSMENT; 6.1 INTRODUCTION; 6.2 UNDERSTANDING RISK; 6.3 RISK ASSESSMENT; 6.4 RISK TREATMENT; 6.5 RISK ASSESSMENT REPORT; 6.6 REVIEW; BIBLIOGRAPHY; CHAPTER 7 - MITIGATION AND BUSINESS CONTINUITY STRATEGY; 7.1 INTRODUCTION; 7.2 MITIGATION; 7.3 BUSINESS CONTINUITY STRATEGY; 7.4 REVIEW; BIBLIOGRAPHY; CHAPTER 8 - BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANS AND PROCEDURES; 8.1 INTRODUCTION; 8.2 FUNDAMENTAL ATTRIBUTES OF THE PLAN; 8.3 PLAN ORGANIZATION AND STRUCTURE; 8.4 TEAM PLANS; 8.5 PUTTING THE PLAN TOGETHER8.6 REVIEWCHAPTER 9 - ORIENTATION, EXERCISING, AND TESTING; 9.1 INTRODUCTION; 9.2 TYPES OF EXERCISES; 9.3 SCHEDULING EXERCISES; 9.4 ORIENTATION; 9.5 EXERCISE PROGRAM; 9.6 EXERCISE DESIGN; 9.7 REVIEW; BIBLIOGRAPHY; CHAPTER 10 - CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT; 10.1 INTRODUCTION; 10.2 PROGRAM MAINTENANCE; 10.3 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND METRICS; 10.4 EVALUATIONS AND INTERNAL AUDIT; 10.5 MANAGEMENT REVIEW; 10.6 NONCONFORMITY AND CORRECTIVE ACTION; 10.7 EXAMPLE OF AN RACI CHART; 10.8 REVIEW; BIBLIOGRAPHY; Appendix A: Sample Competencies Suggested for Business Continuity ManagerAppendix B: Required Documents under ISO 22301Appendix C: Emergency Plan Table of Contents; Appendix D: Sample Business Analysis Impact Questions; GENERAL QUESTIONS (ASKED OF ALL FUNCTIONAL LEADERS); FUNCTIONAL SPECIFIC QUESTIONS; Appendix E: Sample Continuity Team Resource Tool Kit; INSTRUCTIONS; TEAM INFORMATION; TEAM EMPLOYEES; VENDOR/SUPPLIER CONTACT LIST; EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS; FORMS AND SUPPLIES; SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS; VITAL RECORDS; TEAM TASK INSTRUCTIONS; Appendix F: Websites That Contain Hazard Information; EARTHQUAKE AND LIQUEFACTION HAZARDS; FLOODING AND DAM INUNDATION; LANDSLIDESSEVERE WEATHER Business Continuity from Preparedness to Recovery: A Standards-Based Approach details the process for building organizational resiliency and managing Emergency and Business Continuity programs. With over 30 years of experience developing plans that have been tested by fire, floods, and earthquakes, Tucker shows readers how to avoid common traps and ensure a successful program, utilizing, detailed Business Impact Analysis (BIA) questions, continuity strategies and planning considerations for specific business functions. One of the few publications to describe the entire process of business cBusiness planningAssistance in emergenciesPlanningEmergency managementBusiness planning.Assistance in emergenciesPlanning.Emergency management.658.4012Tucker Eugene1498695Rogers MarkMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910788046203321Business continuity from preparedness to recovery3814641UNINA