03602nam 2200613Ia 450 991045508910332120200520144314.01-282-38245-497866123824510-470-68709-6(CKB)1000000000822223(EBL)470261(OCoLC)609849002(SSID)ssj0000356586(PQKBManifestationID)11286633(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000356586(PQKBWorkID)10349729(PQKB)10882407(MiAaPQ)EBC470261(Au-PeEL)EBL470261(CaPaEBR)ebr10358918(CaONFJC)MIL238245(EXLCZ)99100000000082222320090717d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAnalysing interactions in childhood[electronic resource] insights from conversation analysis /Hilary Gardner, Michael ForresterChichester, West Sussex Wiley20101 online resource (295 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-470-76034-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.Analysing Interactions in Childhood; Contents; Foreword; Introduction; Contributors; Section 1 Interactions between typically developing children and their main carers; Chapter 1 Next turn and intersubjectivity in children's language acquisition; Chapter 2 Hm? What? Maternal repair and early child talk; Chapter 3 Ethnomethodology and adult-child conversation: Whose development?; Chapter 4 'Actually' and the sequential skills of a two-year-old; Chapter 5 Children's emerging and developing self-repair practices; Section 2 Childhood interactions in a wider social worldChapter 6 Questioning repeats in the talk of four-year-old childrenChapter 7 Children's participation in their primary care consultations; Chapter 8 Feelings-talk and therapeutic vision in child-counsellorinteraction; Chapter 9 Intersubjectivity and misunderstanding in adult-child learning conversations; Section 3 Interactions with children who are atypical; Chapter 10 Interactional analysis of scaffolding in a mathematical task in ASD; Chapter 11 Multi-modal participation in storybook sharing; Chapter 12 Child-initiated repair in task interactionsChapter 13 Communication aid use in children's conversation: Time, timing and speakertransferGlossary of transcript symbols; IndexOffers a fresh perspective on how conversation analysis can be used to highlight the sophisticated nature of what children actually do when interacting with their peers, parents, and other adults.Brings together a contributor team of leading experts in the emerging field of child-focused conversation analytic studies, from both academic and professional research backgroundsIncludes examples of typically developing children and those who face a variety of challenges to participation, as they interact with parents and friends, teachers, counsellors and health professionalsEncompaConversation analysisChildrenElectronic books.Conversation analysis.Children.302.3/46Gardner Hilary917524Forrester Michael A917525MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910455089103321Analysing interactions in childhood2057199UNINA06040oam 22011894 450 991078766850332120230803031255.01-4843-9716-91-4843-5149-51-4843-0161-7(CKB)2670000000420252(EBL)1587890(SSID)ssj0001076407(PQKBManifestationID)11569156(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001076407(PQKBWorkID)11014901(PQKB)10300175(MiAaPQ)EBC1587890(Au-PeEL)EBL1587890(CaPaEBR)ebr10739491(CaONFJC)MIL493123(OCoLC)867928067(IMF)WPIEE2013089(IMF)WPIEA2013089(EXLCZ)99267000000042025220020129d2013 uf 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrFiscal Sustainability : A 21st Century Guide for the Perplexed /Evan TannerWashington, D.C. :International Monetary Fund,2013.1 online resource (93 p.)IMF Working PapersDescription based upon print version of record.1-4843-8199-8 Includes bibliographical references.Cover Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Tables; Figures; I. Introduction; 1. Government Debt/GDP, Selected Countries, Weighted Average; II. The Building Blocks of a Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA); A. The Public Sector Budget Constraint; B. Ad-Hoc Targets For The Public Debt and/or The Primary Surplus; C. Alternative Scenarios in a Debt Sustainability Analysis; 1. Summary, Recent Research on Public Debt Sustainability, Stochastic Approach; III. The Government's Present Value Constraint: A Restatement; IV. Maximum Sustainable DebtV. Distributing Surpluses Over Time: A Fiscal Objective Function A. Objective: How To Distribute The Fiscal Burden Over Time; B. Objective Functions and Structural Surpluses-Further Considerations; C. Debt and Expenditure Smoothing-Evidence From the Recent Downturn; 2. Industrialized Countries: Change in Primary Government Spending (ratio to GDP) 2009 Minus 2008 (vertical axis), and Net Public Debt/GDP (horizontal axis); 3. Emerging Economies: Change in Primary Government Spending (ratio to GDP) 2009 minus 2008 (vertical axis), and Net Public Debt/GDP (horizontal axis)VI. Required Adjustment in an Uncertain Environment 2. Target Primary Surplus, Probabilistic Approach; 4. Target Primary Surplus, "Low" Volatility Case; 3. Example of Tax Smoothing with Uncertain Potential Output; 5. Target Primary Surplus, "High" Volatility Case; VIII. Prospective Liabilities; 4. Long-run Fiscal Imbalances in the United States; IX. The Net Worth Approach; X. Non-Renewable Resources; 5. Non-Renewable Resource Management: Permanent Income and "Bird-In-Hand" Approaches; 6. Approximate Sovereign Cumulative Default Probabilities: 5-year bonds7. Assessment of Fiscal Sustainability for a Hypothetical Economy: A Contingent Claims Approach XII. Summary and Conclusions; References; XI. Contingent Claims Analysis and Market Indicators of Default Risk; VII. Sustainability Over The Business Cycle; FootnotesThis paper critically reviews recent work regarding the sustainability of public debt. It argues that Debt Sustainability Analyses (DSAs) should be more than mere mechanical simulation exercises. Instead, a DSA should be linked to some objective regarding the distribution of fiscal burdens and distortions over time (in the tradition of Barro’s 1979 tax smoothing objective). The paper discusses objective functions that yield simple and transparent fiscal policy rules.IMF Working Papers; Working Paper ;No. 2013/089Fiscal policyEconometric modelsConvergence (Economics)Econometric modelsInvestments: EnergyimfMacroeconomicsimfPublic FinanceimfPolicy ObjectivesimfPolicy Designs and ConsistencyimfPolicy CoordinationimfFiscal PolicyimfNational Deficit SurplusimfDebtimfDebt ManagementimfSovereign DebtimfForecasts of Budgets, Deficits, and DebtimfEnergy: GeneralimfPublic finance & taxationimfInvestment & securitiesimfPublic debtimfFiscal consolidationimfOilimfFiscal sustainabilityimfFiscal policyimfCommoditiesimfDebts, PublicimfPetroleum industry and tradeimfUnited StatesimfFiscal policyEconometric models.Convergence (Economics)Econometric models.Investments: EnergyMacroeconomicsPublic FinancePolicy ObjectivesPolicy Designs and ConsistencyPolicy CoordinationFiscal PolicyNational Deficit SurplusDebtDebt ManagementSovereign DebtForecasts of Budgets, Deficits, and DebtEnergy: GeneralPublic finance & taxationInvestment & securitiesPublic debtFiscal consolidationOilFiscal sustainabilityFiscal policyCommoditiesDebts, PublicPetroleum industry and tradeTanner Evan1464144International Monetary Fund.DcWaIMFBOOK9910787668503321Fiscal Sustainability3723077UNINA