01366oam 2200445zu 450 991016469630332120210807002115.00-8031-4986-7(CKB)3170000000045328(SSID)ssj0001185740(PQKBManifestationID)11780147(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001185740(PQKBWorkID)11211433(PQKB)10313596(EXLCZ)99317000000004532820160829d1986 uy engtxtccrAquatic toxicology and environmental fate, ninth volume : a symposium[Place of publication not identified]ASTM1986Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-8031-0489-8 Aquatic Toxicology and Environmental FateEnvironmental PollutionPublic HealthEnvironment and Public HealthHealth CareWater PollutionEnvironmental PollutionPublic HealthEnvironment and Public HealthHealth CareWater PollutionPQKBBOOK9910164696303321Aquatic toxicology and environmental fate, ninth volume : a symposium2176069UNINA01404nam 2200409 450 991015770430332120230808201117.03-8305-2200-2(CKB)3710000001002409(MiAaPQ)EBC4776743(EXLCZ)99371000000100240920170120h20162016 uy 0engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierEuropean law and national constitutions /Peter-Christian Müller-Graff, Hans Petter Graver, Ola Mestad, editorsBerlin, [Germany] :BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag,2016.©20161 online resource (280 pages)Deutsch-Norwegisches Forum des Rechts,2366-8997 ;Band 11 =Skriftserie for Tysk-Norsk Rett = ;Bind 11German-Norwegian Law Forum ;Volume 113-8305-3718-2 Deutsch-norwegisches Forum des Rechts ;Band 11.Constitutional lawEuropean Union countriesConstitutional law341.2422090511Müller-Graff Peter-ChristianGraver Hans PetterMestad OlaMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910157704303321European law and national constitutions2851361UNINA03956nam 2200637 450 991078720540332120230828230202.01-4426-5918-11-4426-5741-310.3138/9781442657410(CKB)3710000000324291(EBL)4669984(MiAaPQ)EBC4669984(DE-B1597)465582(OCoLC)1013963555(OCoLC)946712898(DE-B1597)9781442657410(Au-PeEL)EBL4669984(CaPaEBR)ebr11256498(OCoLC)904376825(EXLCZ)99371000000032429120160920h20062006 uy 0engur|n|---|||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierThe German right, 1860-1920 political limits of the authoritarian imagination /James RetallackToronto, [Ontario] ;Buffalo, [New York] ;London, [England] :University of Toronto Press,2006.©20061 online resource (446 p.)German and European StudiesIncludes index.0-8020-9419-8 Frontmatter -- Contents -- Illustrations -- Tables and Figures -- Abbreviations -- Introduction -- Part One. 'Tradition is how we change' -- 1. Habitus and Hubris -- 2. 'Fishing for Popularity' -- 3. Meanings of Stasis -- Part Two. Cultures of Conservatism -- 4. Culture/Power/Territoriality -- 5. Governmentality in Transition -- 6. Citadels against Democracy -- Part Three. Tension and Détente -- 7. Publicity and Partisanship -- 8. Building a People's Party -- 9. Conservatives contra Chancellor -- 10. The Road to Philippi -- Acknowledgments -- IndexBefore the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, Germany was undergoing convulsive socioeconomic and political change. With unification as a nation state under Bismarck in 1871, Germany experienced the advent of mass politics, based on the principle of one man, one vote. The dynamic, diverse political culture that emerged challenged the adaptability of the 'interlocking directorate of the Right.' To serve as a bulwark of the authoritarian state, the Right needed to exploit traditional sources of power while mobilizing new political recruits, but until Emperor Wilhelm II's abdication in 1918 these aims could not easily be reconciled.In The German Right, 1860-1920, James Retallack examines how the authoritarian imagination inspired the Right and how political pragmatism constrained it. He explores the Right's regional and ideological diversity, and refuses to privilege the 1890s as the tipping point when the traditional politics of notables gave way to mass politics. Retallack also challenges the assumption that, if Imperial Germany was modern, it could not also have been authoritarian. Written with clear, persuasive prose, this wide-ranging analysis draws together threads of reasoning from German and Anglo-American scholars over the past 30 years and points the way for future research into unexplored areas.German and European studies.ConservatismGermanyHistory19th centuryConservatismGermanyHistory20th centuryAuthoritarianismGermanyHistory19th centuryAuthoritarianismGermanyHistory20th centuryGermanyPolitics and government1871-1933GermanyPolitics and government1848-1870ConservatismHistoryConservatismHistoryAuthoritarianismHistoryAuthoritarianismHistory320.94309034Retallack James N.990175MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910787205403321The German right, 1860-19203684703UNINA