04067oam 2200661I 450 991078706170332120230126213417.01-317-89185-61-138-40811-51-315-84343-91-317-89186-410.4324/9781315843438 (CKB)3710000000244095(EBL)1790988(SSID)ssj0001376649(PQKBManifestationID)11833002(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001376649(PQKBWorkID)11368994(PQKB)10217219(MiAaPQ)EBC1790988(Au-PeEL)EBL1790988(CaPaEBR)ebr10936427(CaONFJC)MIL646971(OCoLC)891447060(EXLCZ)99371000000024409520180706e20142003 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe rule of law, 1603-1660 crowns, courts and judges /James S. Hart JrAbingdon, Oxon :Routledge,2014.1 online resource (328 p.)Studies In Modern HistoryFirst published 2003 by Pearson Education Ltd.0-582-23856-0 1-322-15716-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Abbreviations; Preface; Introduction; The demands of governance; Changing conditions; Part I. Foundations of the Law; 1. The Structure and Machinery of the Law; The courts; The common law; The courts of equity; The conciliar courts; The church courts; The High Court of parliament; The system at work; Provincial councils; Common law and the ecclesiastical courts; Common law and equity; 2. The Judiciary; Defining the judges'' role; James I and the bench; Charles I and his judges; The judges and parliamentPart II. Royal Government3. James I: Of Kings and Kingdoms; Kingship and the law; The Union; Law and finance; Benevolences and other measures; The growth of conflict; 4. Charles I: New Approaches to Old Problems; Fiscal initiatives; The Forced Loan and its consequences; The Five Knights'' Case and the Petition of Right; Tonnage and Poundage; Repercussions; Fiscal feudalism and its consequences; Knighthood fines; The Forest laws; Ship Money; Part III. Parliamentary Government; 5. The High Court of Parliament; The Short Parliament; The Long Parliament; Impeachment; Legislation; Adjudication6. The Great CouncilThe seizure of executive authority; National defense and the Militia ordinance; The constitutional high road; The machinery of law; War administration; The challenge of peace; The dawn of revolution; Part IV. Cromwellian Government; 7. Law and the New Republic; Law and legitimacy; Courts and judges; High Courts of justice; Freeborn John; The Oath of Engagement; Law reform; The Parliament of Saints; Commonwealth justice: Lilburne (again) and Streater; 8. The Good Constable; The Protector and his judges; The Protectoral ordinances; Mr Cony''s Case; ConclusionSelect BibliographyIndex<P>This book measures contemporary attitudes to the law - within and outside of the legal profession - to see how c17th century Englishmen defined the role of law in their society, to see what their expectations were of the law and how these expectations helped shape political debate - and ultimately determined political decisions - over the course of a very turbulent century.</P>Studies in modern history (Longman (Firm))LawGreat BritainHistory17th centuryLawSocial aspectsEnglandHistory17th centuryLawHistoryLawSocial aspectsHistory349.4/2/09032Hart James S.156796MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910787061703321The rule of law, 1603-16603717841UNINA