03968nam 2200565z- 450 991055739590332120231214133508.0(CKB)5400000000041938(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/73700(EXLCZ)99540000000004193820202111d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierInteractive Feedbacks between Soil Fauna and Soil ProcessesFrontiers Media SA20201 electronic resource (120 p.)2-88963-548-1 Soil fauna plays a significant role at all trophic levels of the soil food web and regulates processes that are crucial for soil functioning, such as nutrient cycling, immobilization and/or degradation of toxic compounds, formation of soil structure, greenhouse gas emissions and C turnover. Although soil fauna is not thought to contribute significantly to soil respiration during litter or soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition, the diversity of soil fauna has been found to strongly influence SOM distribution and dynamics. Yet, the functional contribution of soil fauna to many soil processes is not well understood due to methodological limitations and the high complexity of interactions at various spatiotemporal scales. In general, soil fauna has received far less scientific attention than bacteria and fungi (and lately archaea) in soil studies and has been regularly ignored in global biogeochemical models, with maybe exceptions for some earthworms. However, recent studies are raising the awareness of the influence of soil fauna on ecosystems dynamics. For instance, earthworms have been found to be major players in N2O emissions from soils. They exert a strong influence on C stabilization, and they promote the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Less studied, ants and termites have been found to increase crop productivity in drylands, and different lifeforms of Collembola have been shown to impact microorganisms in various ways over time, thereby potentially affecting C and N cycles within farming systems. The influence of soil fauna indeed manifests over a broad ranges of spatiotemporal scales. For example, some effect such as aggregate formation may cumulate over time and finally contribute to the formation of whole soil profiles, which serve as a framework for other soil processes such as water movement, decomposition, etc. Meanwhile, soil biodiversity is impacted by an increasing human pressure through deforestation, agriculture intensification, habitat fragmentation or climate change (increasing temperatures, extreme weather events), which leads to soil biodiversity loss, in particular of soil fauna, with associated consequences on soil functioning and resilience.Science: general issuesbicsscEnvironmental science, engineering & technologybicsscprotistsnematodesearthwormsmacroarthropodsmicroarthropodssoil functionssoil structurebiogeochemical cyclesgreenhouse gasC sequestrationsoil alterationssoil stabilityresilienceScience: general issuesEnvironmental science, engineering & technologyLuz Cayuela Mariaedt1295610Clause JuliaedtFrouz JanedtBaveye Philippe CedtLuz Cayuela MariaothClause JuliaothFrouz JanothBaveye Philippe CothBOOK9910557395903321Interactive Feedbacks between Soil Fauna and Soil Processes3023672UNINA05083nam 2200637 450 991078702640332120230807212041.03-03826-619-1(CKB)3710000000251943(EBL)1910932(SSID)ssj0001379448(PQKBManifestationID)11809617(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001379448(PQKBWorkID)11374861(PQKB)11257252(Au-PeEL)EBL1910932(CaPaEBR)ebr10951276(OCoLC)899159196(MiAaPQ)EBC1910932(EXLCZ)99371000000025194320141014h20152015 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAdvances in fracture and damage mechanics XIII selected, peer reviewed papers from the 13th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics (FDM 2014), September 23-25, 2014, São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal /edited by J. Alfaiate and M.H. AliabadiPfaffikon, Switzerland :Trans Tech Publications Ltd.,[2015]©20151 online resource (503 p.)Key engineering materials ;volume 627Description based upon print version of record.3-03835-235-7 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics XIII; Preface and Committees; Table of Contents; Lamb-Wave Based Damage Detection in Anisotropic Composite Plates; Analysis of 3D Planar Crack Problems by Body Force Method; Long Life Fatigue Behavior of Shot Peened Steels; A Finite Fracture Mechanics Model for the Prediction of the Notched Response and Large Damage Capability of Composite Laminates; Low-Cost System to Evaluate Impact Localization in Composite Plates; Modeling Delamination Growth in Composite Panels Subjected to Fatigue LoadDefinition of a Constitutive Material Model for Progressive Failure Analysis of Composite LaminatesRound Timber Bolted Joints with Steel Plates under Static and Cyclic Loading; A Multiscale Approach to Polycrystalline Materials Damage and Failure; A Multi-Scale Scheme for Modelling Fracture under Dynamic Loading Conditions; Estimation of the Crack Behaviour in the Compressive Layer of the Alumina-Zirconia Ceramic Laminate; Fatigue Life Assessment of Self-Expandable NiTi Stent; Modelling Mixed-Mode Fracture Using an Energy-Based Damage ModelMulti-Scale Mechanical Property Characterisation of Quasi-Brittle Filter GraphiteFE Analysis of Functionally Graded Material Plate during Debonding Case with Different Boundary Conditions; Optimized Design of Strengthening Structure with Hat-Shaped Cross-Section by Carrying out Buckling Test; High Magnification Studies of Fatigue Crack Propagation; Fracture Behavior of Notched Round Bars Made of Gray Cast Iron Subjected to Torsion; Polymethylmethacrylate Data from U-Notched Specimens and V-Notches with End Holes: A Synthesis by Means of Local EnergyHigh Temperature Fatigue Tests of a Cu-Be Alloy and Synthesis in Terms of Linear Elastic Strain Energy DensityFatigue Behaviour of DLC Coated Al 7075-T6 Alloy in an Aggressive Mixture; Gaussian Specimens for Gigacycle Fatigue Tests: Evaluation of Temperature Increment; Vibrational and Inertial Effects of Methane Hydrates in the Failure of a Pipeline; Evaluation by FEM of the Influence of the Preheating and Post-Heating Treatments on Residual Stresses in Welding; Fatigue Behaviour of Full Scale Flat Stiffened Aeronautic Panels; Numerical Study of a Plate with a Pre-Cracked Circular NotchNumerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Damage Behaviour on Al6061 Laser Welded JointsFlexural Property and Mode I Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Plain Woven Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics after Water Absorption and Freezing; Effect of Acid Treatment on Mechanical Performance of Polyvinyl Alcohol/Halloysite Nanocomposites; A Theory for Mathematical Framework of Fatigue Damage on S-N Plane; Topology Optimization of Geometrically Non-Linear Structures Using Iso-XFEM Method; Fracture Mechanisms in High-Cycle Fatigue of Selective Laser Melted Ti-6Al-4VInvestigation of Residual Stresses in Selective Laser MeltingCollection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 13 th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics (FDM 2014), September 23-25, 2014, São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal.Key engineering materials ;volume 627.Fracture mechanicsCongressesContinuum damage mechanicsCongressesFracture mechanicsContinuum damage mechanics620.1126Alfaiate J.Aliabadi M. H.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910787026403321Advances in fracture and damage mechanics XIII3781930UNINA