03276oam 2200697I 450 991078699290332120230617013325.00-203-95533-11-135-40416-X1-135-40423-210.4324/9780203955338 (CKB)2670000000359066(EBL)1192711(SSID)ssj0000905436(PQKBManifestationID)11539894(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000905436(PQKBWorkID)10927236(PQKB)11356733(MiAaPQ)EBC1192711(Au-PeEL)EBL1192711(CaPaEBR)ebr10713540(CaONFJC)MIL493985(OCoLC)849724110(OCoLC)846494770(EXLCZ)99267000000035906620130331d2005 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrIntrusive partners, elusive mates the pursuer-distancer dynamic in couples /Stephen J. BetchenNew York :Routledge,2005.1 online resource (240 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-138-97330-0 0-415-94801-0 Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-204) and index.Traits and tendencies of the pursuer and the distancer -- Gender roles and the pursuer-distancer dynamic -- Family of origin : the emotional and psychological development of pursuers and distancers -- Treatment model -- Evaluating sexual dysfunction in the pursuer-distancer dynamic -- Male sexual disorders and the pursuer-distancer dynamic -- Female sexual disorders and the pursuer-distancer dynamic -- Hypoactive sexual desire disorder and the pursuer-distancer dynamic -- Same-sex couples and the pursuer-distancer dynamic -- Difficult cases and case failure -- Other contexts and the pursuer-distancer dynamic.When two people form a relationship or marry, they begin to move towards one another with the expectation of closeness. The emotionality or intensity that accompanies this process, however, may result in fusion followed by a desperate need for space or distance. Intrusive Partners - Elusive Mates is the first book to deal exclusively with the pursuer-distancer interaction, and to focus significant attention on the emerging male pursuer-female distancer dynamic. This book revisits Fogarty's work, traces the concept over time and across different professional fields, and discusses in deCouplesPsychologyMarried peoplePsychologyIntimacy (Psychology)Interpersonal conflictSexual disordersMarital psychotherapyCouplesPsychology.Married peoplePsychology.Intimacy (Psychology)Interpersonal conflict.Sexual disorders.Marital psychotherapy.616.89/1562Betchen Stephen J.1954-,1474776MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910786992903321Intrusive partners, elusive mates3688637UNINA