02257nam2 22004093i 450 VAN013173520231219095849.211978-88-08-08677-820201110d2004 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||2 / Halliday,snick, Krane ; edizione liana a cura di Antonino Pullia e Lanfranco Cicala. - 5. ed. -lano brosian2004. - XV591-, [42] p. : ill. ; 28.001VAN00209472001 FisicaD. Halliday, R. Resnick, K. S. Krane210 MilanoAmbrosiana215 volumiill.28 cm2MilanoVANL000284530Fisica22HallidayDavid1916-2010VANV048526982KraneKenneth S.VANV0171978288ResnickRobert1923-2014VANV017196983CicalaLanfrancoVANV022822PulliaAntoninoVANV105558Ambrosiana <editore>VANV108275650Krane, K. S.Krane, Kenneth S.VANV102065Resnick, Robert <1923- >Resnick, Robert <1923-2014>VANV048527ITSOL20231222RICAhttps://prestitodigitale.zanichelli.it/app/api/resource/choice/441E-book - Per l’accesso al full-text: accedere al link, inserire le credenziali del Wi-Fi di Ateneo e seguire le istruzioniBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHEIT-CE0101VAN17VAN0131735BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHE17CONS e-book Zanichelli 2882 17OM 2882/82 82 20230118 BuonoBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA05PREST A 124 05UBI913 20201110 BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA05PREST A 125 05UBI914 20201110 BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA05PREST A 137 05UBI1071 20220105 Buono23655024UNICAMPANIA03535nam 22008173u 450 991078689010332120210107201949.00-8179-1818-3(CKB)3710000000224156(EBL)1777256(SSID)ssj0001413087(PQKBManifestationID)11831325(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001413087(PQKBWorkID)11417235(PQKB)10709411(MiAaPQ)EBC1777256(PPN)220077711(EXLCZ)99371000000022415620140908d2014|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrNAFTA at 20[electronic resource] The North American Free Trade Agreement's Achievements and ChallengesChicago Hoover Institution Press20141 online resource (185 p.)Hoover Institution Press publication NAFTA at 20Description based upon print version of record.0-8179-1816-7 1-322-06296-X 0-8179-1814-0 Cover; Title page; Copyright; Table of Contents; Abbreviations; List of Figures and Tables; Preface; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter One; Chapter Two; Chapter Three; Chapter Four; Chapter Five; Chapter Six; Appendix; Conference Participants; IndexThe North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was bold and controversial from the start. When first conceived, it was far from obvious that it would be possible given the circumstances of the times. Drawing from a December 2013 Hoover Institution conference on "NAFTA at 20," this book brings together distinguished academics who have studied the effects of NAFTA with high-level policy makers to present a comprehensive view of the North American Free Trade Agreement. It looks at the conception, creation, outcomes so far, and the future of NAFTA from the perspective of economists, historians, aFree trade -- North AmericaFree trade -- United StatesNorth America -- Commercial treatiesNorth American Free Trade Agreement (1992 October 7) United States -- Commercial policyFree tradeNorth AmericaCongressesCommerceHILCCBusiness & EconomicsHILCCInternational CommerceHILCCNorth AmericaCommerceCongressesNorth AmericaEconomic integrationCongressesEtats-Unis d'AmériqueeclasCanadaeclasMexiqueeclasNorth AmericafastFree trade -- North America.Free trade -- United States.North America -- Commercial treaties.North American Free Trade Agreement (1992 October 7) .United States -- Commercial policy.Free tradeCommerceBusiness & EconomicsInternational Commerce343.73343.73076Boskin Michael J121838Boskin Michael JBoskin Michael JNAFTA at Twenty: The Past, Present, and Future of the North American Free Trade Agreement (Conference)AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910786890103321NAFTA at 203839697UNINA