03436oam 22007574a 450 991078665990332120231222164252.01-57506-879-610.1515/9781575068794(CKB)3710000000164921(EBL)3155705(SSID)ssj0001267577(PQKBManifestationID)12461543(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001267577(PQKBWorkID)11264394(PQKB)10977712(Au-PeEL)EBL3155705(CaPaEBR)ebr10888009(OCoLC)922991791(DE-B1597)584308(DE-B1597)9781575068794(OCoLC)1273306947(MdBmJHUP)musev2_78798(MiAaPQ)EBC3155705(OCoLC)1253313947(EXLCZ)99371000000016492120140317d2014 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrDivination in the Ancient Near Eastedited by Jeanette C. FinckeWinona Lake, Indiana :Eisenbrauns,2014.©2014.1 online resource (142 p.)Rencontre Assyriologique InternationaleDescription based upon print version of record.1-57506-301-8 Divination im Alten Orient : Ein Überblick /Jeanette C. Fincke --Hethitische Orakelspezialisten als Ritualkundige /Daliah Bawanypeck --Analyse hethitischer Vogelflugorakel /Yasuhiko Sakuma --The Babylonian ikribs /W.G. Lambert --Zur altorientalischen Opferschaupraxis : Opferschaudurchführungen über das Wohlbefinden und über das Nicht-Wohlbefinden /An de Vos --Die Beobachtung der Nieren in der altorientalischen Opferschau : und die Stellung der Nieren-Omina innerhalb der Opferschau-Serie bārȗtu /Nils P. Heessel --New Readings in YOS 10 /Ilya Khait --The Halo of the Moon /Lorenzo Verderame --Laws and Omens : Obverse and Inverse /Ann K. Guinan.This volume contains a collection of revised papers given in the workshop Divination im Alten Orient that was convened on July 22, 2008, as part of the 54th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale in Würzburg. The aim of this workshop was to bring together Assyriologists and Hittitologists in order to present and discuss the divination methods of their respective fields, most of which had not been studied until recently. The large audience that attended the workshop confirmed how wide is the interest in this subject.AssyriologyCongressesDivinationMiddle EastCongressesDivinationgndDivinationfast(OCoLC)fst00895747Assyriologyfast(OCoLC)fst00819244AssyriologyCongressesDivinationMiddle EastCongressesAlter OrientgndMiddle EastfastAssyriologyDivinationDivinationDivination.Assyriology.AssyriologyDivination133.309394Fincke JeanetteRencontre assyriologique internationaleMdBmJHUPMdBmJHUPBOOK9910786659903321Divination in the Ancient Near East3743773UNINA