03630nam 2200673Ia 450 991078636290332120230126205827.01-283-71262-80-252-09432-8(CKB)2670000000276175(EBL)3414146(SSID)ssj0000759116(PQKBManifestationID)11480695(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000759116(PQKBWorkID)10781670(PQKB)10774141(StDuBDS)EDZ0000649280(OCoLC)816042048(MdBmJHUP)muse24432(Au-PeEL)EBL3414146(CaPaEBR)ebr10617497(CaONFJC)MIL402512(OCoLC)923496289(MiAaPQ)EBC3414146(EXLCZ)99267000000027617520120301d2012 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe accordion in the Americas[electronic resource] klezmer, polka, tango, zydeco, and more! /edited by Helena SimonettUrbana University of Illinois Press[2012]1 online resourceMusic in American lifeIncludes index.0-252-07871-3 0-252-03720-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.From old world to new shores / Helena Simonett -- Accordion jokes : a folklorist's view / Richard March -- From chanky-chank to Yankee chanks : the Cajun accordion as identity symbol / Mark DeWitt -- Garde ici et garde lá-bas : Creole accordion in Louisiana / Jared Snyder -- "Tejano and proud" : the accordion traditions of South Texas and the border region / Cathy Ragland -- Preserving territory : the changing language of the accordion in Tohono O'odham waila music / Janet Sturman -- Accordions and working-class culture along Lake Superior's South Shore / James P. Leary -- Play me a tarantella, a polka, or jazz : Italian Americans and the currency of piano accordion music / Christine Zinni -- The klezmer accordion : an outsider among outsiders / Joshua Horowitz -- Beyond Vallenato : the accordion traditions in Colombia / Egberto Bermúdez -- "A hellish instrument" : the story of the tango bandoneón / Mara Susana Azzi -- No ma' se oye el fuinfuán : the noisy accordion in the Dominican Republic / Sydney Hutchinson -- Between the folds of Luiz Gonzaga's sanfona : forre music in Brazil / Megwen Loveless -- The accordion in new scores : paradigms of authorship and identity in William Schimmel's musical "realities" / Marion Jacobson.An invention of the Industrial Revolution, the accordion provided the less affluent with an inexpensive, loud, portable, and durable 'one-man-orchestra' capable of producing melody, harmony, and bass all at once. This collection considers the accordion and its myriad forms.Music in American LifeAccordionUnited StatesHistoryAccordionistsUnited StatesAccordion musicSocial aspectsUnited StatesImmigrantsUnited StatesMusicHistory and criticismAccordionHistory.AccordionistsAccordion musicSocial aspectsImmigrantsMusicHistory and criticism.788.8/6097Simonett Helena1114503MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910786362903321The accordion in the Americas3786945UNINA