03069oam 2200613I 450 991078618130332120230725035223.01-136-50522-90-203-14524-01-283-96538-01-136-50523-710.4324/9780203145241 (CKB)2670000000325257(EBL)1111642(OCoLC)826855813(SSID)ssj0000866928(PQKBManifestationID)11513926(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000866928(PQKBWorkID)10879776(PQKB)11293617(MiAaPQ)EBC1111642(Au-PeEL)EBL1111642(CaPaEBR)ebr10648043(CaONFJC)MIL427788(OCoLC)825767630(EXLCZ)99267000000032525720180706d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrCrisis in Europe 1560-1660 /edited by Trevor Aston ; with an introduction by Christopher HillAbingdon, Oxon ;New York :Routledge,2011.1 online resource (373 p.)Routledge revivalsRoutledge revivalsFirst published in 1965 by Routledge & Kegan Paul.0-415-69477-9 0-415-69476-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; PREFACE; I. INTRODUCTION; II. THE CRISIS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY; III. THE GENERAL CRISIS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY; IV. TREVOR-ROPER'S 'GENERAL CRISIS': SYMPOSIUM; V. FOREIGN MERCENARIES AND ABSOLUTE MONARCHY; VI. THE FRENCH PEASANTRY OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY: A REGIONAL EXAMPLE; VII. THE DECLINE OF SPAIN; VIII. QUEEN CHRISTINA AND THE GENERAL CRISIS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY; IX. THE CHARACTER OF ELIZABETHAN CATHOLICISM; X. THE NOBLES, THE PEOPLE, AND THE CONSTITUTION; XI. STRAFFORD IN IRELAND: A REVALUATIONXII. THE ALIENATED INTELLECTUALS OF EARLY STUART ENGLANDXIII. WOMEN AND THE CIVIL WAR SECTS; XIV. THE QUAKERS AND THE ENGLISH REVOLUTION; INDEXPast and Present began publication in 1952. It has established itself as one of the leading historical journals, publishing in lively and readable form a wide variety of scholarly and original articles.Much important work by English and foreign scholars on the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries first appeared in the form of articles in the journal. Originally published in 1965, this collection brings together a broad selection of these articles which have much common ground in the questions they discuss. Together they cover many aspects of crisis and change in most ERoutledge RevivalsEuropeHistory1517-1648940.23Aston T. H(Trevor Henry)120623FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910786181303321Crisis in Europe 1560-16603831258UNINA01767nam2 22004333i 450 VAN0027834420240807123603.619N978981166509720240620d2022 |0itac50 baengSG|||| |||||1: Metric Spaces and General TopologyAvishek Adhikari, Mahima Ranjan AdhikariSingaporeSpringer2022xxviii, 502 p.ill.24 cm001VAN002783432001 Basic Topology210 SingaporeSpringer2022215 3 volumiill.24 cm154-XXGeneral topology [MSC 2020]VANC020587MFCompactnessKW:KConnectednessKW:KCountabilityKW:KEmbeddingKW:KMetric spacesKW:KNormed linear spacesKW:KTopological groupsKW:KTopological vector spacesKW:KVector fieldsKW:KseparabilityKW:KSGSingaporeVANL000061AdhikariAvishekVANV081367721186AdhikariMahima RanjanVANV230878957608Springer <editore>VANV108073650ITSOL20241115RICAhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-6509-7E-book – Accesso al full-text attraverso riconoscimento IP di Ateneo, proxy e/o ShibbolethBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICAIT-CE0120VAN08NVAN00278344BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICA08DLOAD e-Book 8967 08eMF8967 20240701 Metric Spaces and General Topology4165375UNICAMPANIA