03869nam 2200745 450 991078607010332120230227193839.01-000-97679-31-000-97151-11-003-44297-81-57922-876-31-57922-877-1(CKB)2670000000316909(EBL)1108388(OCoLC)823718983(SSID)ssj0000832641(PQKBManifestationID)12357978(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000832641(PQKBWorkID)10935274(PQKB)11669389(Au-PeEL)EBL4438561(CaPaEBR)ebr11170603(OCoLC)884586084(MiAaPQ)EBC4438561(EXLCZ)99267000000031690920160413h20132013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAlternative pathways to the baccalaureate do community colleges offer a viable solution to the nation's knowledge deficit? /edited by Nancy Remington and Ronald Remington ; foreword by Carol D'AmicoSterling, Virginia :Stylus,2013.©20131 online resource (378 p.)"Published in association with the Community College Baccalaureate Association."1-57922-874-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Contents; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; FOREWORD; INTRODUCTION; PART ONE: NEEDS, IMPLICATIONS, AND POLITICS; 1. THE HISTORY OF THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE BACCALAUREATE MOVEMENT; 2. THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE BACCALAUREATE; 3. MISSION METAMORPHOSIS; 4. STUDENT VOICES; 5. IMPACT ON ACCREDITATION STATUS WHEN COMMUNITY COLLEGES OFFER BACCALAUREATE DEGREES; 6. UPDATE ON THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE BACCALAUREATE; PART TWO: MODELS AND CONTEXTS; 7. THE BACCALAUREATE MOVEMENT IN FLORIDA; 8. APPLIED BACCALAUREATE DEGREES IN THE CONTEXT OF BACCALAUREATE EDUCATION9. REFLECTIONS ON THE NATURE AND STATUS OF THE APPLIED BACCALAUREATE DEGREE10. A VIRTUAL PATHWAY TO BACCALAUREATE COMPLETION; 11. THE UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIP AT LORAIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE; 12. THE COMPREHENSIVE COLLEGE BACCALAUREATE; ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTORS; INDEXThe premise of this book is that, in a globalized economy dependent on innovation and knowledge, higher education must provide greater, more affordable access to the acquisition of higher-level skills and knowledge for a greater proportion of the population.The purpose of this book is to open up a debate about the status quo. Should four-year institutions remain the near-exclusive conferrers of the baccalaureate? Or is there a legitimate role for community colleges who already educate over half the undergraduate population of the United States, at lower cost with few barriers to access?The conCommunity collegesUnited StatesCommunity collegesCanadaCommunity collegesCurriculaUnited StatesCommunity collegesCurriculaCanadaBachelor of arts degreeUnited StatesBachelor of arts degreeCanadaCommunity collegesCommunity collegesCommunity collegesCurriculaCommunity collegesCurriculaBachelor of arts degreeBachelor of arts degree378.1/5430973Remington Nancy1948-Remington Ronald1941-D'Amico CarolCommunity College Baccalaureate Association.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910786070103321Alternative pathways to the baccalaureate3795967UNINA