06958oam 2200757Ma 450 991078589660332120240115145433.01-135-10872-21-283-60619-497866139186421-135-10873-00-203-07453-X10.4324/9780203074534(CKB)2670000000242357(EBL)1024483(OCoLC)811505614(SSID)ssj0000741821(PQKBManifestationID)11420344(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000741821(PQKBWorkID)10742547(PQKB)11079115(OCoLC)810531503(MiAaPQ)EBC1024483(Au-PeEL)EBL1024483(CaPaEBR)ebr10603746(CaONFJC)MIL391864(OCoLC)897433469(OCoLC-P)810531503(FlBoTFG)9780203074534(EXLCZ)99267000000024235720100827d2011 uy 0engur|n|||||||||txtccrThe Routledge atlas of British history /Martin Gilbert5th ed.London ;New York Routledge20111 online resource (212 p.)Routledge Historical Atlases"First edition published as British History Atlas by Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1968"--Title page verso.0-415-60876-7 0-415-60875-9 Front Cover; The Routledge Atlas of British History; Copyright Page; Preface; Maps; The Celts in Britain by 50 BC; The Roman Conquest 54 BC-l00 AD; Roman Military Government 100AD-400 AD; Civilian Life in Roman Britain; The Pattern of Roman Settlement in Southern England; The Decline of Roman Britain 367AD-517 AD; Early Saxon Settlement 500-626; Saxon Kingdoms and Bretwaldaships 630-829; The Church 700-850; Viking Expansion in Europe 700-941; The Norse and Danish Invasions 793-876; The English Resurgence 876-920; The English Resurgence 920-973; The Danish Empire 1000-1034Bishoprics and Monasteries1000-1066Harold's Defeat 1066; The Norman Conquest 1066-1072; England Under The Normans1066-1100; Norman Rule 1066-1087; The Norman Conquest of Wales1068-1200; Ireland 1120; Anglo-France 1189; The Church 1100-1300; Stephen and Matilda 1135-1148; England 1200-1300; The Economy 1200-1300; London 1200-1400; Scotland 1295-1402; The Hundred Years' War 1259-1368; The Conquest of Wales 1277-1295; England 1300-1400; The Black Death 1333-1369; The Peasants' Revolt 1381; England 1400-1500; Owen Glendower's Revolt 1400-1405; The Defeat of Owen Glendower 1405-1412The Collapse of English Rule in France 1429-1453The Wars of the Roses: Territorial Divisions 1450; The Wars of the Roses: Castles and Battles 1450-1485; English Trading Companies 1467-1696; Wales 1500-1535; Ireland 1500-1558; The Pattern of Monastic Property 1500-1530; The English Reformation 1531-1571; Scotland 1500-1603; England 1500-1600; Drake and Spain 1577-1585; Leicester's Intervention in the Netherlands 1585-1587; The Armada 1588; Ireland 1553-1603; Ireland 1603-1625; The Caribbean 1562-1717; The Origins of English Settlement in Virginia 1607-1700The Origins of English Settlement in New England 1620-1700The New World 1642-1713; The Civil War 1642-1643; The Civil War 1644-1646; Cromwell's Wars and Diplomacy 1649-1660; The Atlantic Ocean 1660; The Indian Ocean 1660; The Three Dutch Wars; Monmouth's Rebellion 1685; The Glorious Revolution 1688; Ireland 1649-1651; Ireland 1689-1691; The Jacobite Rising 1715; The Jacobite Rising 1745; The War of the Spanish Succession 1702-1713; The Peace of Utrecht 1713; The British Conquest of Canada 1758-1760; The British Empire 1763; The European Powers in India1510-1775The Revolt of the American Colonies 1774-1783Agriculture 1700-1800; Industry 1715-1815; Transport 1760-1830; British Expansion in India 1775-1858; The War Against France 1793-1802; The War Against Napoleon1805-1812; The Peninsular War 1808-1814; The Defeat of Napoleon 1812-1815; The War Against the United States1812-1815; The British Empire 1820; Parliamentary Representation before 1832; Parliamentary Reform 1832; Ireland 1789-1861; Ireland 1880-1882; Labour Movements 1819-1910; Famine and Plague in India1866-1919; Railways 1825-1914; Britain in the Far East 1788-1914Britain and China 1840-1945The evolving story of the British Isles forms the central theme of this fascinating and compelling atlas, which covers England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales - and the expansion and gradual disintegration of Britain's overseas empire. This new edition includes: Politics - from the Saxon kingdoms and the collapse of England's French Empire to the Tudors and Stuarts, the English Civil War, the Restoration, Parliamentary Reform, the Commonwealth and Europe, the European Union and the Coalition Government formed in 2010 War and conflict - from Viking attacks and the Norman Invasion to the Armada, two World Wars and the end of empire, the Falklands War, the Gulf War, British forces overseas, terror at home and the wars in Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan and Iraq Trade and industry - from the post-Norman economy and Tudor trade to industrial unrest and the opening of international trade routes, imports and exports, arms sales and British humanitarian aid overseas Religion - from the Saxon Church to the Reformation and the multi-cultural Britain of modern times Society and economics - from civilian life in Roman Britain to the Industrial and Agricultural revolutions, the General Strike and the growth of universities, unemployment, homelessness, charitable activities and government expenditure Immigration - the growth of immigrant communities, the wide range of countries from which immigrants came, citizenship applications and citizenship granted. Sir Martin Gilbert is Winston Churchill's official biographer, and one of Britain's leading historians, having written eighty-two books in total. He is an Honorary Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, and a Distinguished Fellow of Hillsdale College, Michigan. He has also most recently served on the committee of the Iraq Inquiry set up by the British Government. For more information, please visit www.martingilbert.com.Routledge Historical AtlasesHISTORY / Europe / Great BritainbisacshHISTORY / GeneralbisacshGreat BritainHistorical geographyMapsGreat BritainHistorical geographyHISTORY / Europe / Great BritainHISTORY / General911/.41Gilbert Martin1936-2015.223002OCoLC-POCoLC-PBOOK9910785896603321Routledge atlas of British history1235678UNINA03274nam 22006373 450 991079534770332120230906193518.01-68392-764-81-68392-765-6(CKB)4950000000283292(MiAaPQ)EBC6767821(Au-PeEL)EBL6767821(OCoLC)1276847957(DE-B1597)653550(DE-B1597)9781683927655(BIP)081646355(EXLCZ)99495000000028329220211214d2021 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierMathematics for Business[e-book]7th ed.Bloomfield :Mercury Learning & Information,2021.©2021.1 online resource (336 pages)1-68392-766-4 Frontmatter --Contents --Preface --ABOUT THE AUTHORS --CHAPTER 1. The Basics --CHAPTER 2. Graphs and Linear Equations --CHAPTER 3. Functions --CHAPTER 4. The Mathematics of Finance --CHAPTER 5. Rates of Change: The Derivative --CHAPTER 6. Optimization --CHAPTER 7. Curve Fitting and Trend Lines --APPENDIX. Solutions to Selected Odd-Numbered Exercises --IndexQuantitative methods have become essential in economic forecasting, allocation of resources, portfolio analysis, inventory analysis, data-mining, and new and innovative solutions to myriad social and climate challenges. The aim of this text is to provide a basic understanding of these quantitative methods. Using topics such as finite mathematics, mathematics of finance, differential calculus, optimization, and curve fitting, this text provides the tools needed to solve modern business problems. FEATURES:Covers a review of algebra, finite math, mathematics of finance, differential calculus, optimization, and curve fittingFeature numerous, realistic, business applications including cash flow, amortization, interest, loans, annuities, revenue/cost models, break-even, ordering, inventory control, profit/margin models, econometrics, and more Provides extensive in-text examples and end of section exercises with key terms, key concepts, and appendices at the end of each chapter to reinforce materialUses multiple tables, charts and graphs to illustrate topicsIncludes PowerPoint slides for the instructor.BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Business Mathematicsbisacshamortization.annuities.curve fitting.data-mining.differential calculus.econometrics.economic forecasting.finite mathematics.linear equations.portfolio analysis.quantitative analysis.revenue models.BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Business Mathematics.650.01513Bronson Gary1549600Bronson Richard9976Kieff Maureen1549601MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910795347703321Mathematics for Business3807775UNINA