05560oam 2200733I 450 991078574410332120230801224422.01-136-30160-71-283-60532-597866139177751-136-30161-50-203-11694-110.4324/9780203116944 (CKB)2670000000242250(EBL)1024548(OCoLC)811505942(SSID)ssj0000738431(PQKBManifestationID)11500507(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000738431(PQKBWorkID)10791433(PQKB)11255277(MiAaPQ)EBC1024548(Au-PeEL)EBL1024548(CaPaEBR)ebr10603628(CaONFJC)MIL391777(OCoLC)811207396(FINmELB)ELB134445(EXLCZ)99267000000024225020180706e20121988 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrMoney and banking in the UK a history /Michael CollinsAbingdon, Oxon :Routledge,2012.1 online resource (657 p.)Routledge library editions. Banking & finance ;vol. 6First published in 1988 by Croom Helm.0-415-75182-9 0-415-52796-1 Includes bibliographic references and index.MONEY AND BANKING IN THE UK A History; Copyright; MONEY AND BANKING IN THE UK: A History; Copyright; CONTENTS; List of tables; List of figure; Abbreviations; Preface; Acknowledgements; PART I: 1826-1913; Chapter One Banking In The Early Nineteenth Century; Early banking history; Economic crisis and the legislation of 1826; Structure of the banking system; Summary; Notes; Chapter Two Growth Of The Banking Sector, 1826-1913; The importance and definition of money; Components of the stock of money; Financial institutions; Conclusion; NotesChapter Three The Commercial Banks: Institutional Change, 1826-1913Main trends; The corporate structure; Bank branching; Bank amalgamations; The stability of banks and economic fluctuations; Conclusion; Notes; Chapter Four The Business Of Commercial Banking, 1826-1913; Bank liabilities; Bank assets; Banking advice and financial services; The commercial banks and economic development; Notes; Chapter Five The Monetary Sector And The International Economy; The importance of international factors; Britain's adoption of the gold standard in the early nineteenth centuryInternational exchange ratesStable exchange rates and the foreign exchange market; Adjustment mechanisms; Assessment of traditional adjustment mechanism under the international gold standard, 1870-1913; The role of sterling; The Bank of England and the monetary interpretation of balance of payments; Notes; Chapter Six The Bank Of England And Monetary Policy, 1826-1913; Why did the Bank of England become a central bank?; Legislation; The Bank and the gold standard; Techniques of monetary control; Lender of last resort; The Bank and the money markets; Private v public interests; NotesPART II: 1914-1939Chapter Seven Deposit Banking And Other Financial Institutions, 1914-1939; Deposit bank expansion; Affiliations and amalgamations; Competition in banking; Private sector liquidity and non-bank financial intermediaries; Conclusion; Notes; Chapter Eight The Business Of Commercial Banking, 1914-1939; Clearing banks' balance sheets; Clearing bank liabilities; Clearing bank assets; Industrial and commercial finance; Customer services; Summary; Notes; Chapter Nine Monetary Policy, 1914-1939; The 1914 banking crisis; Impact of World War I; Return to gold, 1925The 1931 crisis and devaluationMonetary policy in the 1930s; Conclusion; Notes; PART III: 1939-1986; Chapter Ten War And Post-War Adjustments, 1939-51; Total war, 1939-45; The years of recovery, 1945-51; Notes; Chapter Eleven Non-Clearing Banks And Other Financial Intermediaries Since World War II; Banks and other financial intermediaries; Relative growth of financial institutions; The London money market; The discount market; Parallel money markets and institutions; Sterling money markets; Eurocurrency markets; Summary on developments in parallel marketsBank stability and prudential supervisionThis book is concerned with developments in three main areas of monetary history: domestic commercial banking; monetary policy; and the UK's international financial position. For ease of analysis the 160 years under study are arranged into three clear chronological divisions. Part 1 covers the years 1826-1913, a period in which the UK emerged as the world's leading economic power. It was in these years that an extensive and fully-operative domestic banking system was established. Part 2 covers 1914 to 1939 - the years which marked a break in the traditional monetary arrangements of the VictoRoutledge Library Editions: Banking & FinanceBanks and bankingGreat BritainHistoryMonetary policyGreat BritainHistoryBanks and bankingHistory.Monetary policyHistory.332.1/0941332.10941Collins Michael1946-,1512242MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910785744103321Money and banking in the UK3746046UNINA