03293nam 2200637 a 450 991078567360332120230124190209.01-283-05830-897866130583000-226-41032-310.7208/9780226410326(CKB)2670000000067769(EBL)648137(OCoLC)699510061(SSID)ssj0000471030(PQKBManifestationID)11347145(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000471030(PQKBWorkID)10417013(PQKB)11233147(MiAaPQ)EBC648137(DE-B1597)535719(OCoLC)743397554(DE-B1597)9780226410326(Au-PeEL)EBL648137(CaPaEBR)ebr10442158(CaONFJC)MIL305830(EXLCZ)99267000000006776919860508e19861970 uy 0engurnn#---|u||utxtccrThe Lysenko affair[electronic resource] /David JoravskyUniversity of Chicago Press ed.Chicago University of Chicago Press19861 online resource (474 p.)Reprint. Originally published: Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1970 (Russian Research Center studies ; 61).0-226-41031-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --Contents --Preface --1. Soviet Ideology as a Problem --2. A Crisis of Faith in Science --3. Harmless Cranks --4. Raising Stalin's Hand --5. Stalinist Self-Defeat, 1936-1950 --6. Self-Conquest, 1950-1965 --7. Academic Issues: Science --8. Academic Issues: Marxism --9. The Criterion of Practice --10. Ideologies and Realities --Appendix A. Repressed Specialists --Appendix B. For Kremlinologists --Bibliography --Notes --IndexThe Lysenko affair was perhaps the most bizarre chapter in the history of modern science. For thirty years, until 1965, Soviet genetics was dominated by a fanatical agronomist who achieved dictatorial power over genetics and plant science as well as agronomy. "A standard source both for Soviet specialists and for sociologists of science."-American Journal of Sociology "Joravsky has produced . . . the most detailed and authoritative treatment of Lysenko and his view on genetics."-New York Times Book ReviewAgriculture and stateSoviet UnionScience and stateSoviet Unionhistory, historical, modern science, soviet union, scientist, genetics, geneticists, agronomist, agronomy, genes, sociology, sociologists, scientific, trofim denisovich lysenko, agriculture, agricultural, state, government, biologist, biology, lamarckism, inheritance, vernalization, academy of sciences, politics, political influence, lysenkoism, starvation, errors, controversial, plants, 20th century, grafting, flowering.Agriculture and stateScience and state338.1/847Joravsky David48057MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910785673603321Lysenko Affair355143UNINA