03144oam 2200625I 450 991078531310332120230725025753.01-136-53704-X1-138-97285-11-136-53705-81-84977-573-710.4324/9781849775731 (CKB)2670000000061880(EBL)624252(OCoLC)694729174(SSID)ssj0000490026(PQKBManifestationID)12196639(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000490026(PQKBWorkID)10462506(PQKB)10063667(OCoLC)884586204(MiAaPQ)EBC624252(Au-PeEL)EBL624252(CaPaEBR)ebr10884192(CaONFJC)MIL618426(OCoLC)881510747(EXLCZ)99267000000006188020180706d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrIntegrated design and delivery solutions /Matthijs Prins and Robert OwenLondon :Earthscan,2010.1 online resource (81 p.)Architectural Engineering and Design Management,1752-7599 ;Volume 6, Issue 4Title from cover.1-306-87175-1 1-84971-275-1 Contents; EDITORIAL INTRODUCTION Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions; ARTICLE Challenges for Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions; ARTICLE Supplier-Driven Integrated Design; ARTICLE Tool for Benchmarking BIM Performance of Design, Engineering and Construction Firms in The Netherlands; ARTICLE Towards Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions: Pinpointed Challenges of Process Change; ARTICLE Exchange of Relevant Information in BIM Objects Defined by the Role- and Life-Cycle Information Model; ARTICLE Attributes of Building Information Modelling Implementations in Various CountriesIntegrated Design and Delivery Solutions (IDDS) represent a significant new research trajectory in the integration of architecture and construction through the rapid adoption of new processes. This book examines the ways in which collaboration and new methods of contracting and procurement enhance skills and improve processes in terms of lean and sustainable construction. Based on high quality research and practice-based examples that provide key insights into IDDS and its future potential, this book surveys the technologies that are being employed to create more sustainable buildings with added value for clients, stakeholders and society as whole--Source other than Library of Congress.Architectural Engineering and Design ManagementSustainable buildingsDesign and constructionSustainable buildingsDesign and construction.720.47Prins Matthijs.853960Owen Robert538131MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910785313103321Integrated design and delivery solutions3726647UNINA