03906oam 2200721I 450 991078526400332120230814231909.00-429-91431-897804298969830-429-47531-41-282-78029-897866127802951-84940-799-1(CKB)2670000000047853(EBL)689957(OCoLC)729244837(SSID)ssj0000484702(PQKBManifestationID)11318016(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000484702(PQKBWorkID)10594757(PQKB)10156846(MiAaPQ)EBC689957(Au-PeEL)EBL689957(CaPaEBR)ebr10415395(CaONFJC)MIL278029(FlBoTFG)9780429475313(OCoLC)430990193(FINmELB)ELB141808(EXLCZ)99267000000004785320181122h20182009 uy 0engur||| |||||txtccrGood Feelings Psychoanalytic Reflections on Positive Emotions and Attitudes /by Salman AkhtarFirst edition.Boca Raton, FL :Routledge,[2018].©2009.1 online resource (676 p.)Psychoanalytic ideas and applications seriesDescription based upon print version of record.0-367-10678-7 1-85575-780-X Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Copy Right; The International Psychoanalysis Library IPA Publications Committee; Acknowledgements; About the Editor and Contributors; Prologue: Psychoanalysis and human goodness: theory; Healthy Reserves; Chapter 1. Enthusiasm; Commentary; Chapter 2. Courage; Commentary; Chapter 3. Altruism; Commentary; Chapter 4. Faith; Commentary; HARMONIOUS RELATIONS; Chapter 5. Tact; Commentary; Chapter 6. Love; Commentary; Chapter 7. Friendship; Commentary; HOPEFUL RETREATS; Chapter 8. Humour; Commentary; Chapter 9. Creativity; Commentary; HUMANE RESPONSES; Chapter 10. Resilience; CommentaryChapter 11. AtonementCommentary; Chapter 12. Forgiveness; Commentary; Epilogue: Psychoanalysis and human goodness: techniqueThis tightly edited volume opens a new vista in psychoanalysis by focusing upon positive and life-enhancing emotions and attitudes. The realms it covers include love, friendship, enthusiasm, courage, tact, resilience, and forgiveness, among others. Seminal papers on these topics have existed but remain scattered throughout the psychoanalytic literature. This book brings them together in a harmonious gestalt. It is more than an anthology, however. Each paper is followed by a freshly written commentary that critically evaluates the paper and brings it in consonance with up-to-date, contemporary psychoanalytic knowledge. Issues of development, adaptation, psychopathology, and analytic technique, as these pertain to the positive dimension of affective experience, are elucidated. The book also deals with the broader and overarching issue of the 'goodness' that accompanies, causes, and is enhanced by the positive emotions in consideration here. Thus the ever-elusive and puzzling issue of psychoanalytic morality finds a place in the discourse, with all its rich and complex theoretical and technical implications.Psychoanalytic ideas and applications series.EmotionsPsychoanalysisEmotions.Psychoanalysis.150.1988CP 3200rvkAkhtar Salman296333International Psycho-Analytical Association.FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910785264003321Good Feelings3727638UNINA