03227nam 2200625 a 450 991078524220332120200520144314.01-282-77503-0978661277503190-272-8784-8(CKB)2670000000046778(SSID)ssj0000414495(PQKBManifestationID)12183057(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000414495(PQKBWorkID)10396820(PQKB)11546285(MiAaPQ)EBC623329(Au-PeEL)EBL623329(CaPaEBR)ebr10417557(CaONFJC)MIL277503(OCoLC)705533466(EXLCZ)99267000000004677820100618d2010 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrComparative and contrastive studies of information structure[electronic resource] /edited by Carsten Breul, Edward GöbbelAmsterdam ;Philadelphia John Benjamins Pub. Co.c2010xii, 306 p. illLinguistik aktuell =Linguistics today,0166-0829 ;v. 165"The present book contains a selection of articles based on papers presented at the conference on 'Contrastive Information Structure Analysis' organised by Carsten Breul at the University of Wuppertal in March 2008"--Pref.90-272-5548-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction / Carsten Breul, Edward Göbbel & Alexander Thiel -- Contrastive topics and distributed foci as instances of sub-informativity : a comparison of English and German / Volker Gast -- Givenness and discourse anaphors / Luis López -- Constraints on subject-focus mapping in French and English : a contrastive analysis / Knud Lambrecht -- Wh-questions in French and English : mapping syntax to information structure / Paul Boucher -- A comparative perspective on intensive reflexives : English and Hebrew / Dana Cohen -- Focus types and argument asymmetries : a cross-linguistic study in language production / Stavros Skopeteas and Gisbert Fanselow -- Topicality in L1-acquisition : a contrastive analysis of null subject expressions in child French and German / Nicole Hauser-Grüdl -- Formal and functional constraints on constituent order and their universality / Peter Öhl -- On the foundations of the contrastive study of information structure / Carsten Breul.Linguistik aktuell ;Bd. 165.Grammar, Comparative and generalSyntaxContrastive linguisticsFocus (Linguistics)Grammar, Comparative and generalTopic and commentGrammar, Comparative and generalSyntax.Contrastive linguistics.Focus (Linguistics)Grammar, Comparative and generalTopic and comment.415Breul Carsten167407Göbbel Edward1550647MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910785242203321Comparative and contrastive studies of information structure3809587UNINA