04363nam 2201069 a 450 991078131170332120230207231453.01-283-27711-597866132771140-520-93552-710.1525/9780520935525(CKB)2550000000039389(EBL)730439(OCoLC)739051545(SSID)ssj0000524172(PQKBManifestationID)11347433(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000524172(PQKBWorkID)10546167(PQKB)10277549(MiAaPQ)EBC730439(DE-B1597)519217(OCoLC)746926644(DE-B1597)9780520935525(Au-PeEL)EBL730439(CaPaEBR)ebr10483583(CaONFJC)MIL327711(EXLCZ)99255000000003938920000726d2001 uy 0engur||#||||||||txtccrMetropolis in the making[electronic resource] Los Angeles in the 1920s /edited by Tom Sitton and William DeverellBerkeley University of California Pressc20011 online resource (385 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-520-22627-5 0-520-22626-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.pt. 1. Metropolitan spaces -- pt. 2. Metropolitan idenities -- pt. 3. Faith in the metropolis -- pt. 4. Metropolis -- pt. 5. The end : metropolitan finale.Los Angeles came of age in the 1920's. The great boom of that decade gave shape to the L.A. of today: its vast suburban sprawl and reliance on the automobile, its prominence as a financial and industrial center, and the rise of Hollywood as the film capital of the world. This collection of original essays explores the making of the Los Angeles metropolis during this remarkable decade. The authors examine the city's racial, political, cultural, and industrial dynamics, making this volume an essential guide to understanding the rise of Los Angeles as one of the most important cities in the world. These essays showcase the work of a new generation of scholars who are turning their attention to the history of the City of Angels to create a richer, more detailed picture of our urban past. The essays provide a fascinating look at life in the new suburbs, in the oil fields, in the movie studios, at church, and at the polling place as they reconceptualize the origins of contemporary urban problems and promise in Los Angeles and beyond. Adding to its interest, the volume is illustrated with period photography, much of which has not been published before.City planningCaliforniaLos AngelesHistory20th centuryNineteen twentiesLos Angeles (Calif.)History20th centuryLos Angeles (Calif.)Social conditions20th centuryLos Angeles (Calif.)Economic conditions20th century1920s.academic.automobile.automotive history.cars.cinema studies.city of angels.essay anthology.essay collection.essays.film studies.film.finance.financial.hollywood.illustrated.industrial.industry.los angeles.metro.metropolis.movie studios.photographs.race issues.racism.racist.scholarly.southern california.suburban sprawl.suburban.suburbs.urban.vehicles.City planningHistoryNineteen twenties.979.4/94052Sitton Tom1949-1463184Deverell William Francis919568MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910781311703321Metropolis in the making3672416UNINA08202nam 2201885 450 991078674960332120230828210151.01-4008-6525-510.1515/9781400865253(CKB)3710000000222324(EBL)1756202(OCoLC)888743519(SSID)ssj0001332756(PQKBManifestationID)11723725(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001332756(PQKBWorkID)11376165(PQKB)10616292(MiAaPQ)EBC1756202(DE-B1597)447950(OCoLC)651974127(OCoLC)979583973(DE-B1597)9781400865253(Au-PeEL)EBL1756202(CaPaEBR)ebr10910146(CaONFJC)MIL637581(EXLCZ)99371000000022232420140829h20062006 uy 0engur|nu---|u||utxtccrDiffusion, quantum theory, and radically elementary mathematics /edited by William G. FarisPrinceton, New Jersey ;Oxfordshire, England :Princeton University Press,2006.©20061 online resource (257 p.)Mathematical Notes ;47Description based upon print version of record.1-322-06330-3 0-691-12545-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --Contents --Preface --Chapter One. Introduction: Diffusive Motion and Where It Leads /Faris, William G. --Chapter Two. Hypercontractivity, Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities, and Applications: A Survey of Surveys /Gross, Leonard --Chapter Three. Ed Nelson's Work in Quantum Theory /Simon, Barry --Chapter Four Symanzik, Nelson, and Self-Avoiding Walk /Brydges, David C. --Chapter Five. Stochastic Mechanics: A Look Back and a Look Ahead /Carlen, Eric --Chapter Six. Current Trends in Optimal Transportation: A Tribute to Ed Nelson /Villani, Cédric --Chapter Seven. Internal Set Theory and Infinitesimal Random Walks /Lawler, Gregory F. --Chapter Eight. Nelson's Work on Logic and Foundations and Other Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics /Buss, Samuel R. --Chapter Nine. Some Musical Groups: Selected Applications of Group Theory in Music /Hook, Julian --Chapter Ten. Afterword /Nelson, Edward --Appendix A. Publications by Edward Nelson --IndexDiffusive motion--displacement due to the cumulative effect of irregular fluctuations--has been a fundamental concept in mathematics and physics since Einstein's work on Brownian motion. It is also relevant to understanding various aspects of quantum theory. This book explains diffusive motion and its relation to both nonrelativistic quantum theory and quantum field theory. It shows how diffusive motion concepts lead to a radical reexamination of the structure of mathematical analysis. The book's inspiration is Princeton University mathematics professor Edward Nelson's influential work in probability, functional analysis, nonstandard analysis, stochastic mechanics, and logic. The book can be used as a tutorial or reference, or read for pleasure by anyone interested in the role of mathematics in science. Because of the application of diffusive motion to quantum theory, it will interest physicists as well as mathematicians. The introductory chapter describes the interrelationships between the various themes, many of which were first brought to light by Edward Nelson. In his writing and conversation, Nelson has always emphasized and relished the human aspect of mathematical endeavor. In his intellectual world, there is no sharp boundary between the mathematical, the cultural, and the spiritual. It is fitting that the final chapter provides a mathematical perspective on musical theory, one that reveals an unexpected connection with some of the book's main themes.Mathematical notes (Princeton University Press) ;47.Mathematical physicsDiffusionQuantum theoryAffine space.Algebra.Axiom.Bell's theorem.Brownian motion.Central limit theorem.Classical mathematics.Classical mechanics.Clifford algebra.Combinatorial proof.Commutative property.Constructive quantum field theory.Continuum hypothesis.David Hilbert.Dimension (vector space).Discrete mathematics.Distribution (mathematics).Eigenfunction.Equation.Euclidean space.Experimental mathematics.Fermi–Dirac statistics.Feynman–Kac formula.First-order logic.Fokker–Planck equation.Foundations of mathematics.Fractal dimension.Gaussian process.Girsanov theorem.Gödel's incompleteness theorems.Hilbert space.Hilbert's program.Holomorphic function.Infinitesimal.Integer.Internal set theory.Interval (mathematics).Limit (mathematics).Mathematical induction.Mathematical optimization.Mathematical physics.Mathematical proof.Mathematician.Mathematics.Measurable function.Measure (mathematics).Minkowski space.Natural number.Neo-Riemannian theory.Non-standard analysis.Number theory.Operator algebra.Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process.Orthonormal basis.Perturbation theory (quantum mechanics).Philosophy of mathematics.Predicate (mathematical logic).Probability measure.Probability space.Probability theory.Probability.Projection (linear algebra).Pure mathematics.Pythagorean theorem.Quantum field theory.Quantum fluctuation.Quantum gravity.Quantum harmonic oscillator.Quantum mechanics.Quantum system.Quantum teleportation.Random variable.Real number.Renormalization group.Renormalization.Riemann mapping theorem.Riemann surface.Riemannian geometry.Riemannian manifold.Schrödinger equation.Scientific notation.Set (mathematics).Sign (mathematics).Sobolev inequality.Special relativity.Spectral theorem.Spin (physics).Statistical mechanics.Stochastic calculus.Stochastic differential equation.Tensor algebra.Theorem.Theoretical physics.Theory.Turing machine.Variable (mathematics).Von Neumann algebra.Wiener process.Wightman axioms.Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory.Mathematical physics.Diffusion.Quantum theory.530.1533.65bclFaris William G.1939-MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910786749603321Diffusion, quantum theory, and radically elementary mathematics1222080UNINA01398nam 2200469 a 450 991078463650332120230828201535.0(CKB)1000000000385236(OCoLC)243575286(CaPaEBR)ebrary10471867(SSID)ssj0000073582(PQKBManifestationID)11107294(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000073582(PQKBWorkID)10104473(PQKB)10893854(MiAaPQ)EBC3003878(Au-PeEL)EBL3003878(CaPaEBR)ebr10471867(OCoLC)187918931(EXLCZ)99100000000038523620110606d2006 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrAJAX and Flash development with OpenLaszlo[electronic resource] a tutorial /Chris Coremans1st ed.[Vancouver, B.C.] Brainy Software20061 online resource (327 p.) Includes index.0-9752128-6-9 Ajax (Web site development technology)Ajax (Web site development technology)Coremans Chris1499475MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910784636503321AJAX and Flash development with OpenLaszlo3826787UNINA