01872nam 2200361 n 450 99639587230331620221107141839.0(CKB)3810000000012314(EEBO)2240885387(UnM)9958730600971(EXLCZ)99381000000001231419980810d1659 uy engurbn||||a|bb|This is for you who are called the Comon-vvealths-men [sic] both in the Army and Parliament to read[electronic resource] Wherein are many plain and true things declared unto you (which are suitable to your present estate and condition) that that [sic] ye may consider them in the same that they are sent unto you in, which is in truth, and in sincerity, and singlenesse and uprightnesse of heart, in that love which thinks no evil, even in obedience unto the spirit of the Lord, which also saith, try all things, and hold fast that which is good. /Given forth by George Fox the youngerLondon printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate16598 pSigned at end: G.F. = George Fox.Reproduction of original in the British Library.eebo-0018Society of FriendsEarly works to 1800Church and stateGreat BritainEarly works to 1800Great BritainPolitics and government1649-1660Early works to 1800Great BritainHistoryCommonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660Early works to 1800Society of FriendsChurch and stateFox Georged. 1661.817602Cu-RivESCu-RivESBOOK996395872303316This is for you who are called the Comon-vvealths-men both in the Army and Parliament to read2384287UNISA03993oam 2200889I 450 991078445060332120230126203946.01-135-75566-31-135-75567-11-280-28877-997866102887790-203-30740-210.4324/9780203307403 (CKB)1000000000351298(EBL)199736(OCoLC)475907414(SSID)ssj0000096795(PQKBManifestationID)11121597(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000096795(PQKBWorkID)10103914(PQKB)10646126(MiAaPQ)EBC199736(Au-PeEL)EBL199736(CaPaEBR)ebr10162965(CaONFJC)MIL28877(OCoLC)900284877(EXLCZ)99100000000035129820180331d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAcross the blocs Cold War cultural and social history /editors, Rana Mitter, Patrick MajorLondon ;New York :Routledge,2012.1 online resource (189 p.)Cold War History"This group of studies first appeared in a Special Issue of Cold War History (ISSN 1468-2745), Vol.4, No.1 (October 2003)"--T.p. verso.0-7146-5581-3 0-7146-8464-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; Foreword; East is East and West is West?Towards a Comparative Socio-CulturalHistory of the Cold War; 'The Man Who Invented Truth': The Tenure of Edward R. Murrow as Director of the United States Information Agency during the Kennedy Years; Soviet Cinema in the Early Cold War:Pudovkin's Admiral Nakhimov in Context; Future Perfect? Communist Science Fiction inthe Cold War; The Education of Dissent: The Reception of theVoice of Free Hungary, 1951-56; The Debate over Nuclear Refuge'Some Writers are More Equal than Others':George Orwell, the State and Cold War PrivilegeAbstracts; Notes on Contributors; IndexThis book asks the reader to reassess the Cold War not just as superpower conflict and high diplomacy, but as social and cultural history. It makes cross-cultural comparisons of the socio cultural aspects of the Cold War across the East/West block divide, dealing with issues including broadcasting, public opinion, and the production and consumption of popular culture.Cold War HistoryCold WarCold WarSocial aspectsEuropeCold WarSocial aspectsUnited StatesCold WarSocial aspectsSoviet UnionPopular cultureUnited StatesHistory20th centuryPopular cultureSoviet UnionHistory20th centuryAnti-communist movementsUnited StatesHistoryMass mediaPolitical aspectsUnited StatesHistory20th centuryResearch institutesUnited StatesHistory20th centuryResearch institutesSoviet UnionHistory20th centuryPolitics and cultureSoviet UnionCold War.Cold WarSocial aspectsCold WarSocial aspectsCold WarSocial aspectsPopular cultureHistoryPopular cultureHistoryAnti-communist movementsHistory.Mass mediaPolitical aspectsHistoryResearch institutesHistoryResearch institutesHistoryPolitics and culture909.82/5Major Patrick1525456Mitter Rana1969-1501217MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910784450603321Across the blocs3766850UNINA