02496nam 22005294a 450 991078432380332120230828214848.01-4267-1355-X0-687-64282-5(CKB)1000000000351447(EBL)272092(OCoLC)694147472(SSID)ssj0000360643(PQKBManifestationID)11925460(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000360643(PQKBWorkID)10347947(PQKB)11568826(MiAaPQ)EBC272092(MiAaPQ)EBC6122915(Au-PeEL)EBL272092(CaPaEBR)ebr10430611(EXLCZ)99100000000035144720060118d2006 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrGo big[electronic resource] lead your church to explosive growth /Bill Easum and Bil CorneliusNashville Abingdon Pressc20061 online resource (160 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-687-33442-X Introduction: get ready for a ride -- The only difference is the zeroes -- A wild and crazy God -- Structuring your church for growth -- It's time to lead, pastor! -- Double your vision -- Preparing to break the growth barriers -- The growth barriers -- Staffing the church for explosive growth -- Saved to serve -- Make a big "ask" of yourself -- Handling problem people -- Positioning ourselves for explosive growth.Bill Easum and Bil Cornelius are two strikingly different, yet surprisingly similar pastors. One undertook to revitalize a moribund mainline church; the other, to plant a new nondenominational congregation. Coming from different generations, their ministries took place under dissimilar circumstances. Yet both have experienced substantial, even explosive, growth in congregational mission and membership. Along the way they learned some important lessons, such as the centrality of strong pastoral leadership, the need for an unhesitant pursuit of excellence in all areas of the church's ministry, aChurch growthChurch growth.254/.5Easum William M.1939-1504718Cornelius Bil1972-1568580MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910784323803321Go big3840798UNINA