02820oam 2200613I 450 991078370120332120230828224755.01-135-61083-51-135-61084-31-282-37516-497866123751631-4106-1317-810.4324/9781410613172 (CKB)1000000000244615(EBL)261420(OCoLC)70786763(SSID)ssj0000146111(PQKBManifestationID)11159310(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000146111(PQKBWorkID)10182473(PQKB)10050915(MiAaPQ)EBC261420(Au-PeEL)EBL261420(CaPaEBR)ebr10130699(CaONFJC)MIL237516(OCoLC)742296506(EXLCZ)99100000000024461520180706d2006 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrEmotionally intelligent school counseling /edited by John Pellitteri. [and others]Mahwah, N.J. :L. Erlbaum Associates,2006.1 online resource (305 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-8058-5035-X 0-8058-5034-1 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Detailed Table of Contents; Foreword; Contributors; Acknowledgments; PART I: INTRODUCTION; PART II: FOUNDATIONS; PART III: APPLICATIONS IN SCHOOL SETTINGS; PART IV: APPLICATIONS WITH SPECIFIC GROUPS; PART V: APPLICATIONS WITH SPECIAL MODALITIES; PART VI: SUCCESS STORIES; Appendix A: A Brief Historical Perspective of Emotional Intelligence; Appendix B: Web-Based Resources for Social Emotional Learning; Author Index; Subject IndexThe concept of emotional intelligence (EI), which has steadily gained acceptance in psychology, seems particularly well suited to the work of school counselors and school psychologists who must constantly deal with troubled and underperforming students. To date, however, no book has systematically explained the theoretical and scientific foundations of emotional intelligence and integrated this information into the roles and functions of school counselors and other school personnel. In addition to illustrating how social emotional learning is important to both individual students and to schoolEducational counselingEmotional intelligenceEducational counseling.Emotional intelligence.371.4/22Pellitteri John1564589FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910783701203321Emotionally intelligent school counseling3867487UNINA