04156nam 2201033z- 450 991056648620332120231214132940.0(CKB)5680000000037517(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/81197(EXLCZ)99568000000003751720202205d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Fragility-Grievances-Conflict Triangle in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)BaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (206 p.)3-0365-3584-5 3-0365-3583-7 Several problems related to violence, grievances, and states’ lack of legitimacy and capacity to manage economic, social, and political issues are clustered together as an interactive structure in the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region. The effect of one of these problems is difficult to identify in the absence of analyses of the others. Global generalisations on the effects of these problems can bring us closer to the understanding of state fragility and the associated problems in the MENA region, although the study of MENA specifically also reveals region- and sub-region-specific features. Some of them pertain to the MENA region only, whereas others help develop the understanding and sophistication of global generalisations. This book offers a much-needed overview and several explanations on the otherwise confusing triangular problems of state fragility, grievance, and conflict, focusing on one of the conflict hotspots of the world. It compiles expertise on the triangular relationship between fragility, grievances, and conflict of an international MENA Social Policy Network. In addition to the analyses, two datasets are referenced, on which some of the book’s chapters are based.Fragility-Grievances-Conflict Triangle in the Middle East and North Africa HumanitiesbicsscSocial interactionbicsscstate fragilityconflictMENAMiddle Eastfailed statesweak statesconflict fatalitiescorruptioninformal employmentsocial securitystate effectivenessMaghreb countriesindividual preferencesdiscrete choice modelArab Springparticipationprotestingprobit modelIraqterrorismviolent extremismSocial IdentitythreatfragmentationgrievancesShiaSunnifactionalismrebel governanceHamasGazaPalestineinformal institutionssocial contractsocial protectionMiddle East and North Africastate-society relationsprotectionprovisiongovernment legitimacyservice deliverystate legitimacysocial policysocial expendituremediationPH theoryIsraelripenesssubsidy reformMiddle East and North Africa (MENA)MoroccoEgyptIranpolitical participationHumanitiesSocial interactionKivimaki Timoedt1284047Jawad RanaedtKivimaki TimoothJawad RanaothBOOK9910566486203321The Fragility-Grievances-Conflict Triangle in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)3019232UNINA04414oam 2200709I 450 991078369350332120230617005800.01-135-62966-81-135-62967-61-282-32232-X97866123223271-4106-0938-310.4324/9781410609380 (CKB)1000000000244578(EBL)237101(OCoLC)297224715(SSID)ssj0000128243(PQKBManifestationID)11131595(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000128243(PQKBWorkID)10064462(PQKB)10683663(MiAaPQ)EBC237101(Au-PeEL)EBL237101(CaPaEBR)ebr10118403(CaONFJC)MIL232232(OCoLC)936907606(OCoLC)833331084 (EXLCZ)99100000000024457820180706d2004 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrConceptualizing and measuring father involvement /edited by Randal D. Day, Michael E. LambMahwah, N.J. ;London :Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers,2004.1 online resource (443 p.)"Result of an invited conference of scholars"--Introd.1-138-88178-3 0-8058-4359-0 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgments; Contributors; 1 Conceptualizing and Measuring Father Involvement: Pathways, Problems, and Progress; 2 Assessing Father Involvement in Mexican-American Families; 3 Father Involvement in Britain: The Research and Policy Evidence; 4 Studying Fathering Trajectories: In-depth Interviewing and Sensitizing Concepts; 5 A Narrative Approach to Paternal Identity: The Importance of Parental Identity ""Conjointness""; 6 A Narrative Approach to Exploring Responsible Involvement of Fathers with Their Special-Needs Children7 Internal Reliability, Temporal Stability, and Correlates of Individual Differences in Paternal Involvement: A 15-Year Longitudinal Study in Sweden8 A Multimethod Study of Father Participation in Family-Based Programming; 9 Fathering in a Beijing, Chinese Sample: Associations with Boys' and Girls' Negative Emotionality and Aggression; 10 Measuring Father Involvement in Divorced, Nonresident Fathers; 11 Early Father Involvement in Fragile Families; 12 Youth Ratings of Family Processes and Father Role Performance of Resident and Nonresident Fathers13 Father Involvement and the Diversity of Family Context14 Multiple Determinants of Father Involvement: An Exploratory Analysis Using the PSID-CDS Data Set; 15 Measuring Mother and Father Shared Caregiving: An Analysis Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics-Child Development Supplement; 16 Violent Men, Bad Dads? Fathering Profiles of Men Involved in Intimate Partner Violence; 17 Fathering Indicators for Practice and Evaluation: The Fathering Indicators Framework; 18 The DADS Initiative: Measuring Father Involvement in Large-Scale Surveys; Author Index; Subject IndexAfter decades of focusing on the mother's role in parenting, family studies researchers have turned their attention to the role of the father in parenting and family development. The results shed new light on childhood development and question conventional wisdom by showing that beyond providing the more traditional economic support of the family, fathers do indeed matter when it comes to raising a child. Stemming from a series of workshops and publications sponsored by the Family and Child Well-Being Network, under the federal fatherhood initiative of the National Institute of Child FathersResearchCongressesFather and childResearchCongressesFamiliesResearchCongressesFamily assessmentCongressesFathersResearchFather and childResearchFamiliesResearchFamily assessment306.874/2Day Randal D.1948-899416Lamb Michael E.1953-142571FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910783693503321Conceptualizing and measuring father involvement3705899UNINA