03108 am 2200661 n 450 9910495947503321201905222-271-12211-210.4000/books.editionscnrs.20352(CKB)4100000009681649(FrMaCLE)OB-editionscnrs-20352(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/84905(PPN)267943865(EXLCZ)99410000000968164920191029j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierIdentités numériques Expressions et traçabilité /Jean-Paul FourmentrauxParis CNRS Éditions20191 online resource (240 p.) Les essentiels d'Hermès2-271-08702-3 À l'ère d'Internet, l'expression de nos identités numériques est prise en porte-à-faux. D'un côté, l'invention par les citoyens-internautes de nouvelles modalités d'expression et de revendications identitaires, individuelles et collectives sont susceptibles de renforcer le lien social et l'existence démocratique. D'un autre côté, la propension de contrôle de ces identités à des fins économiques et politiques s'accroît via la captation, la fidélisation et la traçabilité des profils. Répression et surveillance de nos comportements numériques semblent plus que jamais d'actualité. Comment maîtriser ses identités numériques ? Peut-on être personne sur le réseau ? Peut-on effacer ses traces ? Que faire de tous nos mots de passe et identifiants ? Ce volume des Essentiels d'Hermès propose de mettre en lumière les ressorts et dilemmes de la présence en ligne et de l'« être ensemble », ou autrement dit de la communication à l'ère numérique.Online identitiesInternetSocial aspectsElectronic surveillanceSocial aspectsData protectioninternetnumériquecommunicationOnline identities.InternetSocial aspects.Electronic surveillanceSocial aspects.Data protection.Arnaud Michel1282442Beau Frank1282443Cardon Dominique78633Coutant Alexandre1282444Doueihi Milad615388Ertzscheid Olivier802030Fourmentraux Jean-Paul1282445Kessous Emmanuel1282446Livingstone Sonia563711Mascheroni Giovanna596625Merzeau Louise1282447Murru Maria Francesca1217911Parmentier Marc66045Perriault Jacques163323Rey Bénédicte1282448Fourmentraux Jean-Paul1282445FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495947503321Identités numériques3018803UNINA05009nam 2201153Ia 450 991078366940332120210608020846.00-520-92750-897866123563391-282-35633-X1-59875-921-310.1525/9780520927506(CKB)1000000000246823(EBL)254858(OCoLC)475969648(SSID)ssj0000116877(PQKBManifestationID)11131924(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000116877(PQKBWorkID)10036758(PQKB)10478869(MiAaPQ)EBC254858(OCoLC)62865850(MdBmJHUP)muse30365(DE-B1597)519862(DE-B1597)9780520927506(Au-PeEL)EBL254858(CaPaEBR)ebr10106459(CaONFJC)MIL235633(OCoLC)935230256(EXLCZ)99100000000024682320050131d2006 ub 0engur||#||||||||txtccrCalifornia's frontier naturalists[electronic resource] /Richard G. BeidlemanBerkeley University of California Press20061 online resource (501 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-520-23010-8 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --Contents --Illustrations --Preface --Prelude --Part 1. The Oceanic Expeditions --Part 2. The Early Peripatetic Naturalists --Part 3. The Overland Expeditions and Their Naturalists --Part 4. Iron Horses and River Steamers --Part 5. The California Geological Survey --Part 6. Institutions and Naturalists --Part 7. The Postwar Naturalists --Selected References --IndexThis book chronicles the fascinating story of the enthusiastic, stalwart, and talented naturalists who were drawn to California's spectacular natural bounty over the decades from 1786, when the La Pérouse Expedition arrived at Monterey, to the Death Valley expedition in 1890-91, the proclaimed "end" of the American frontier. Richard G. Beidleman's engaging and marvelously detailed narrative describes these botanists, zoologists, geologists, paleontologists, astronomers, and ethnologists as they camped under stars and faced blizzards, made discoveries and amassed collections, kept journals and lost valuables, sketched flowers and landscapes, recorded comets and native languages. He weaves together the stories of their lives, their demanding fieldwork, their contributions to science, and their exciting adventures against the backdrop of California and world history. California's Frontier Naturalists covers all the major expeditions to California as well as individual and institutional explorations, introducing naturalists who accompanied boundary surveys, joined federal railroad parties, traveled with river topographical expeditions, accompanied troops involved with the Mexican War, and made up California's own geological survey. Among these early naturalists are famous names-David Douglas, Thomas Nuttall, John Charles Fremont, William Brewer-as well as those who are less well-known, including Paolo Botta, Richard Hinds, and Sara Lemmon.Natural historyCaliforniaScientific expeditionsCaliforniaNaturalistsCaliforniaHistoryamerican west.botany.boundary surveys.california.david douglas.death valley.expedition.explorers.fieldwork.frontier.geological survey.geology.john fremont.la perouse.land development.land management.mexican war.monterey.natural sciences.natural world.naturalism.naturalist.nature.nonfiction.pacific northwest.paleontology.paolo botta.plants.railroads.richard hinds.sara lemmon.science.scientists.settling the west.thomas nuttall.united states.wild west.wilderness.william brewer.zoology.Natural historyScientific expeditionsNaturalistsHistory.508.794Beidleman Richard G1580053MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910783669403321California's frontier naturalists3860645UNINA