01301nam2 22002653i 450 VAN012021120230509013021.19220190213d1933 |0itac50 bagerDE|||| |||||ˆ1: Die ‰Zeit von der Eroberung Agyptens bis zum Beginn der Regierung Diokletiansvon Erwin SeidlMunchenC. H. Beck1933X, 147 p.22 cm001VAN01240332001 Münchener Beiträge zur Papyrusforschung und antiken Rechtsgeschichte210 MünchenC. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.17001VAN02579202001 ˆDer ‰Eid im romisch-agyptischen Provinzialrechtvon Erwin Seidl210 MunchenC.H. Beck215 volumi22 cm1MünchenVANL001057SeidlErwinVANV089681516827Beck <editore>VANV108810650ITSOL20230804RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZAIT-CE0105VAN00VAN0120211BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZA00CONS BL.900M.959 17.1 00BL 899 SLP 20190213 Biblioteca LauriaZeit von der Eroberung Agyptens bis zum Beginn der Regierung Diokletians3090850UNICAMPANIA02576nam 2200625 a 450 991078300070332120161219111330.01-4462-1601-21-4462-2434-11-282-02122-297866120212201-84920-226-5(CKB)1000000000716274(EBL)420900(OCoLC)476254373(SSID)ssj0000120943(PQKBManifestationID)11142223(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000120943(PQKBWorkID)10092469(PQKB)10330551(MiAaPQ)EBC420900(OCoLC)1007857899(StDuBDS)EDZ0000076842(Au-PeEL)EBL420900(CaPaEBR)ebr10285237(CaONFJC)MIL202122(OCoLC)929259657(FlNmELB)ELB130201(EXLCZ)99100000000071627420120418d2007 fy 0engur|||||||||||txtccrChild-centred education[electronic resource] reviving the creative tradition /Christine Doddington and Mary HiltonLos Angeles, Calif. ;London SAGEc20071 online resource (xxvii, 132 p.) illDescription based upon print version of record.1-4129-4587-9 1-4129-4588-7 Includes bibliographical references (p. 119-126) and index.contents; preface; introduction; THE STRUCTURE OF THIS BOOK; Part I THE CHILD-CENTRED LEGACY; 1 THE ORIGINS OF CHILD-CENTRED EDUCATION; 2 CONTRASTING VISIONS: CONTRASTING LIVES; 3 PLOWDEN AND BEYOND; Part II FUNDAMENTAL VALUES; 4 THE 'WHOLE CHILD' AS A PERSON; 5 MAKING SENSE: THE IMPORTANCE OF MEANING AND COHERENCE; 6 INTERDEPENDENCE: THE NEED FOR OTHERS; Part III THE ROAD TO CHANGE; 7 CHILDREN AND THEIR TEACHERS: THE CREATIVE TRADITION REVIVED; bibliography; indexAgainst an increasingly authoritarian background of testing and instruction, concern is growing about disengagement and loss of depth and quality in education at all levels. This book seeks to explore the role of primary education within this debate.Creative teachingCreative teaching.370.15Doddington Christine1498314Hilton Mary1946-953366StDuBDSStDuBDSBOOK9910783000703321Child-centred education3723842UNINA05350nam 2200649 450 991067794140332120230721033049.01-281-94697-497866119469753-527-62266-73-527-62265-9(CKB)1000000000549942(EBL)481510(SSID)ssj0000122059(PQKBManifestationID)11134693(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000122059(PQKBWorkID)10110995(PQKB)10002868(MiAaPQ)EBC481510(OCoLC)299047926(EXLCZ)99100000000054994220160819h20082008 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrChronic pain a health policy perspective /edited by Saifudin Rashiq [and three others]Weinheim, Germany :WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,2008.©20081 online resource (348 p.)Health Care and Disease ManagementIncludes index.3-527-32382-1 Chronic Pain: A Health Policy Perspective; Foreword; Contents; Preface; List of Contributors; Part One: Context; 1: The Lived Experience of Chronic Pain: Evidence of People ' s Voices; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 The Perspective of People with Pain; 1.2.1 Unfiltered Voices; 1.2.2 Literary Routes to the Lived Experience of Pain; 1.2.3 Lived Experience of Pain in Scholarly Publications; 1.2.4 The Visual Arts; 1.2.5 Pain Voices in Electronic Media; 1.3 Quality; 1.4 Barriers to Accessing the Evidence; 1.5 Consequences of Unvoiced Pain; 1.6 Dealing with the Evidence; 1.7 Summary2: History and Definition of Pain2.1 Words for Pain; 2.2 " Pain " in Medicine; 2.2.1 1800-2000; 2.3 Defining Pain; 3: The Descriptive Epidemiology of Chronic Pain; 3.1 How Prevalent is Chronic Pain?; 3.1.1 Systematic Reviews; Studies That Used the IASP Definition of Chronic Pain; Studies That Used the ACR Definition of Chronic Widespread Pain; Studies in Children and Elderly Populations; 3.1.2 Recent Studies; 3.1.3 Conclusions; 3.2 Chronic Pain in Canada and Alberta; 3.2.1 Conclusions; 4: The Economics of Chronic Pain; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Direct Costs of Chronic Pain4.3 Indirect Costs of Chronic Pain4.4 The Wider Impact of Chronic Pain; 4.5 Pain Management Strategies; 4.5.1 Effectiveness; 4.5.2 Efficiency; 4.5.3 Equity; 4.6 Summary and Conclusion; 5: Ethical Considerations in the Treatment of Chronic Pain; 5.1 Scope and Context; 5.2 Overview of the Literature on Chronic Pain and Ethics; 5.2.1 Beneficence; 5.2.2 Nonmaleficence; 5.2.3 Autonomy; 5.2.4 Justice and Social Responsibility; 5.2.5 Integrity; 5.3 Interacting Principles; 5.4 Pain, Public Policy, and Ethics; 6: Pathophysiology of Chronic Pain; 6.1 Nociception: How It Works6.2 Chemical Mediators of Pain6.3 Contribution of Non-Neuronal Cells to Nociception; 6.4 Basic Science Contributions to Pain Management; 6.5 Impact of Policy on Knowledge Generation; Part Two: Treatment; 7: Why Does Pain Become Chronic?; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Chronic Post-surgical Pain; 7.2.1 Epidemiology of CPSP; 7.2.2 Surgical Factors Associated with CPSP; 7.2.3 Patient-Related Factors; 7.2.4 Preemptive/Preventive Analgesia; 7.3 Chronic Pain outside the Surgical Context; 7.4 Summary; 7.5 Conclusions; 7.6 Health Policy Implications and Recommendations8: What Chronic Pain Looks Like to the Clinician8.1 Introduction; 8.2 The Typical Patient; 8.3 Common Pain Conditions; 8.3.1 Spinal Pain; 8.3.2 Neck Pain; 8.3.3 Whiplash; 8.3.4 Low Back Pain; 8.3.5 Sciatica; 8.3.6 Failed Back Surgery Syndrome; 8.3.7 Arthritis; 8.3.8 Fibromyalgia and Widespread Pain; 8.3.9 Neuropathic Pain; 8.3.10 Diabetic Neuropathy; 8.3.11 Trigeminal Neuralgia (Tic Douloureux); 8.3.12 Post Herpetic Neuralgia; 8.3.13 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome; 8.3.14 Co-morbidities; 8.4 How Do Patients Present?; 8.4.1 Worry/Anxiety; 8.4.2 Sadness/Depression; 8.4.3 Anger/Frustration8.4.4 Fatigue/Exhaustion/Sleep DisordersDiscussing all aspects of chronic pain management, this is the second volume of the new book series on health care and disease management, published with the Institute of Health Economics (IHE) in Edmonton, Canada.The authors provide an introduction into history, pathophysiology, ethics and epidemiology of chronic pain before covering the different aspects of treating chronic pain in more detail. Different ways for improving pain management as well as policy implications are highlighted. The title is targeted towards clinicians and professionals in the health care industry dealing witHealth Care and Disease ManagementChronic painTreatmentChronic painGovernment policyChronic painTreatmentMoral and ethical aspectsChronic painTreatment.Chronic painGovernment policy.Chronic painTreatmentMoral and ethical aspects.616.0472Rashiq SaifudinMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910677941403321Chronic pain1933176UNINA02255nas 2200661-a 450 991089589710332120240413022000.0(DE-599)ZDB2539811-8(CKB)110976725706082(CONSER)---75648597-(EXLCZ)9911097672570608220760226a19uu9999 -b- bgertxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSteirische Statistiken /Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung, Präsidialabteilung, Referat Statistik[Graz, Austria] Das Referat1 online resourceSome no. also have a distinctive title.Print version: Steirische Statistiken / 0039-1093 (DLC) 75648597 (OCoLC)2244429 ArbeitnehmerswdArbeitsmarktswdBevölkerungsentwicklungswdEinkommenswdKonjunkturswdStatistikswdTourismusswdWirtschaftswdWohnungsbauswdÖsterreich(DE-601)091381975(DE-STW)16950-4stwSteiermark(DE-601)091392209(DE-STW)16952-0stwStatistik(DE-601)091392055(DE-STW)19072-1stwStyria (Austria)StatisticsPeriodicalsAustriaStyriafasthttps://id.oclc.org/worldcat/entity/E39QbtfRqVpfdX6FH9jVw9YB4YSteiermarkswdPeriodicals.fastStatistics.fastArbeitnehmer.Arbeitsmarkt.Bevölkerungsentwicklung.Einkommen.Konjunktur.Statistik.Tourismus.Wirtschaft.Wohnungsbau.ÖsterreichSteiermarkStatistik314.36/5Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung.Landesamtsdirektion.Landesstatistik.Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung.Fachabteilung 1C--Landesstatistik.JOURNAL9910895897103321exl_impl conversionSteirische Statistiken4255713UNINA