05031nam 2201081 a 450 991078294680332120230207223452.00-520-92647-11-59734-689-610.1525/9780520926479(CKB)1000000000004299(EBL)223643(OCoLC)475928654(SSID)ssj0000185095(PQKBManifestationID)11174649(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000185095(PQKBWorkID)10209836(PQKB)10754709(MiAaPQ)EBC223643(DE-B1597)518897(OCoLC)50745525(DE-B1597)9780520926479(Au-PeEL)EBL223643(CaPaEBR)ebr10053558(EXLCZ)99100000000000429920011030d2002 ub 0engur||#||||||||txtccrJapanese American celebration and conflict[electronic resource] a history of ethnic identity and festival, 1934-1990 /Lon KurashigeBerkeley University of California Pressc20021 online resource (297 p.)American crossroads ;8Description based upon print version of record.0-520-22742-5 0-520-22743-3 Includes bibliographical references (p. 247-263) and index.Front matter --Contents --Illustrations --Tables --Preface --Acknowledgments --Introduction --PART 1: ENCLAVE --PART 2: CAMP --PART 3: COMMUNITIES --CONCLUSION --NOTES --SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY --INDEXDo racial minorities in the United States assimilate to American values and institutions, or do they retain ethnic ties and cultures? In exploring the Japanese American experience, Lon Kurashige recasts this tangled debate by examining what assimilation and ethnic retention have meant to a particular community over a long period of time. This is an inner history, in which the group identity of one of America's most noteworthy racial minorities takes shape. From the 1930's, when Japanese immigrants controlled sizable ethnic enclaves, to the tragic wartime internment and postwar decades punctuated by dramatic class mobility, racial protest, and the influx of economic investment from Japan, the story is fraught with conflict. The narrative centers on Nisei Week in Los Angeles, the largest annual Japanese celebration in the United States. The celebration is a critical site of political conflict, and the ways it has changed over the years reflect the ongoing competition over what it has meant to be Japanese American. Kurashige reveals, subtly and with attention to gender issues, the tensions that emerged at different moments, not only between those who emphasized Japanese ethnicity and those who stressed American orientation, but also between generations and classes in this complex community.American crossroads ;8.Japanese AmericansCaliforniaLos AngelesSocial life and customs20th centuryJapanese AmericansCaliforniaLos AngelesSocial conditions20th centuryJapanese AmericansEthnic identityCaliforniaLos AngelesEthnic festivalsCaliforniaLos AngelesHistory20th centuryCitizens' associationsCaliforniaLos AngelesHistory20th centuryLos Angeles (Calif.)Ethnic relationsLos Angeles (Calif.)Social life and customs20th centuryLos Angeles (Calif.)Social conditions20th century1930s.american history.asian american.asian history.assimilation.cultural studies.culture.economics.economy.ethnicity.gender issues.gender studies.historical.internment camps.japan.japanese american.japanese immigrants.los angeles.nisei week.political.politics.postwar.race.racial minorities.racism.united states history.united states.us history.wartime.Japanese AmericansSocial life and customsJapanese AmericansSocial conditionsJapanese AmericansEthnic identityEthnic festivalsHistoryCitizens' associationsHistory979.4/94004956Kurashige Lon1964-674725MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910782946803321Japanese American Celebration and conflict1283166UNINA