04272nam 2201141z- 450 991036774620332120231214133003.03-03921-723-2(CKB)4100000010106255(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/56705(EXLCZ)99410000001010625520202102d2019 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierPossible Scenarios for Homochirality on EarthMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20191 electronic resource (318 p.)3-03921-722-4 In 1978, Fred Hoyle proposed that interstellar comets carrying several viruses landed on Earth as part of the panspermia hypotheses. With respect to life, the origin of homochirality on Earth has been the greatest mystery because life cannot exist without molecular asymmetry. Many scientists have proposed several possible hypotheses to answer this long-standing L-D question. Previously, Martin Gardner raised the question about mirror symmetry and broken mirror symmetry in terms of the homochirality question in his monographs (1964 and 1990). Possible scenarios for the L-D issue can be categorized into (i) Earth and exoterrestrial origins, (ii) by-chance and necessity mechanisms, and (iii) mirror-symmetrical and non-mirror-symmetrical forces as physical and chemical origins. These scenarios should involve further great amplification mechanisms, enabling a pure L- or D-world.supramolecular assemblyweak neutral currenthomochiral and heterochiral aggregatesvortexneutrinosSoai reactionViedma ripening effectnucleus–molecular couplingabsolute asymmetric synthesiscircular dichroismenantiomer self-disproportionationmagmatic flowmetal-organic frameworkZ0 bosonhidden chiralitygravitationSDEetch figuresreplicatorssupramolecular chiralityderacemizationassembliesspin polarized electronssuper-high-velocity impacthomochiralitychirogenesisheat capacitytunnelingprebioticSalam hypothesistilt-chiralityself-assemblyracemic fieldtriethylenediamine (DABCO) moleculesenvironmental chiralitybioorganic homochiralitypolymerenantioselective reactiontwo-fold helixorigin of lifebiological homochiralityparity violation in the weak interactionamino acidsmulti-point approximationmagnetismC1- and C2-symmetric catalystsspin-polarized leptonlipidchiral field (memory)Wallach’s ruleasymmetric autocatalysisplasma reactorcircularly polarized photonasymmetric reactionracemateenantiomorphismsymmetry breaking?-strandchiralitycircularly polarized lightcircularly polarized luminescenceautocatalysisamino acid handednessasymmetric synthesisprecision measurementnephelinechiral separationparity violationachiral stationary phasegenesis of life chiralityhigh dimensional chiralityFujiki Michiyaauth1324888BOOK9910367746203321Possible Scenarios for Homochirality on Earth3036443UNINA03408nam 2200841z- 450 991063778210332120231214133138.03-0365-5760-1(CKB)5470000001631716(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/94532(EXLCZ)99547000000163171620202212d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierExtraction and Fractionation Processes of Functional Components in Food EngineeringBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (122 p.)3-0365-5759-8 This Special Issue on the "Extraction and Fractionation Processes of Functional Components in Food Engineering" aims to bring together novel advances in the development and application of innovative processing strategies to extract, isolate, and modify food compounds to produce ingredients and foods with improved nutritional, functional, and biological properties. Topics include: - Development of innovative processing strategies to extract, modify, and recover food compounds. - Effects of industrial processes on the functionality and biological activities of food compounds. - Bioconversion of agricultural waste streams and food byproducts into added valuable compounds. - Challenges associated with processing scale-up.Technology: general issuesbicsscHistory of engineering & technologybicsscterpenepineneEscherichia coliwheywhey permeatebiosynthesismicrobialpeptideshydrolysateshypertensionaqueous extraction processextraction yieldscream demulsificationoil recoveryalmond flourwalnut oilrancidityinduction timerancimatresponse surface methodologyacid-soluble collagensnakehead fishfish skinthe mixture of skin and scaledenaturation temperatureFTIRfood proteinsnovel extraction methodologiesenzymatic hydrolysisbioactive peptidesseedssupercritical CO2 extractionsolvent extractionexpeller pressingenzyme-assisted aqueous extractiontechno-economic analysislife cycle assessmentTechnology: general issuesHistory of engineering & technologyDe Moura Bell Juliana Maria Leite Nobregaedt1296431Hernández-Ledesma BlancaedtSilva Roberta Claro daedtDe Moura Bell Juliana Maria Leite NobregaothHernández-Ledesma BlancaothSilva Roberta Claro daothBOOK9910637782103321Extraction and Fractionation Processes of Functional Components in Food Engineering3024066UNINA02815nam 2200553 a 450 991078285260332120221108021320.01-282-27035-40-299-22043-597866122703522027/heb08760(CKB)1000000000723251(dli)HEB08760(SSID)ssj0000194430(PQKBManifestationID)11168242(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000194430(PQKBWorkID)10232058(PQKB)11261943(OCoLC)318248010(MdBmJHUP)muse12313(Au-PeEL)EBL3444802(CaPaEBR)ebr10280008(CaONFJC)MIL227035(MiAaPQ)EBC3444802(MiU)MIU01000000000000011660280(EXLCZ)99100000000072325120060314d2006 uy 0engurmnummmmuuuutxtccrLotman and cultural studies[electronic resource] encounters and extensions /edited by Andreas SchönleMadison University of Wisconsin Pressc20061 online resource (ix, 383 p. ) ill. ;Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-299-22040-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Dante, Florenskii, Lotman : journeying then and now through medieval space / David Bethea -- Lotman's other : estrangement and ethics in culture and explosion / Amy Mandelker -- Pushkin's Anzhelo, Lotman's insight into it, and the proper measure of politics and grace / Caryl Emerson -- Post-soviet political discourse and the creation of political communities / Michael Urban -- State power, hegemony, and memory : Lotman and Gramsci / Marek Steedman -- The ever-tempting return to an Iranian past in the Islamic present : does Lotman's binarism help? / Kathryn Babayan -- The self, its bubbles, and illusions : cultivating autonomy in Greenblatt and Lotman / Andreas Schönle -- Lotman's Karamzin and the late soviet liberal intelligentsia / Andrei Zorin -- Iconic self-expression : bipolar asymmetry, indeterminacy, and creativity in cinema / Herbert Eagle -- Post-ing the soviet body as tabula phrasa and spectacle / Helena Goscilo -- Eccentricity and cultural semiotics in imperial Russia / Julie A. Buckler -- Writing in a polluted semiosphere : everyday life in Lotman, Foucault, and De Certeau / Jonathan H. Bolton -- Afterword : Lotman without tears.ACLS Humanities E-Book.302.2092Schönle Andreas954757MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910782852603321Lotman and cultural studies2159495UNINA