05421nam 22008293u 450 991078281400332120230126203937.01-134-00294-71-134-00287-41-283-88859-91-282-07756-297866120775621-84392-540-0(CKB)1000000000724758(EBL)449706(OCoLC)609842695(SSID)ssj0000358507(PQKBManifestationID)11278907(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000358507(PQKBWorkID)10359773(PQKB)11269355(MiAaPQ)EBC449706(MiAaPQ)EBC5292825(Au-PeEL)EBL5292825(CaONFJC)MIL207756(OCoLC)671800771(EXLCZ)99100000000072475820130418d2012|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrCriminalising Social Policy[electronic resource] Anti-social Behaviour and Welfare in a De-civilised SocietyHoboken Taylor and Francis20121 online resource (256 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-84392-327-0 Criminalising Social Policy Anti-social behaviour and welfare in a de-civilised society; Copyright; Contents; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Outline of the book; Chapter 1 Criminalising social policy: some general observations; Criminalising social policy; Welfare and discipline; Civil law and natural justice; Dysfunctional families and anti-social children; Concluding observations; Chapter 2 Incivility and welfare in a de-civilised society; The theory of the civilising process; De-civilisation and welfare retrenchment; Attitudes, emotions and post-emotionalismDe-civilising tendencies in penal policyConcluding observations; Chapter 3 Disorderly behaviour and underclass culture: the emergence of the 'chav' and 'NEET' generation; The creation of the 'NEET' generation; The enduring issue of the underclass; The coarsening of culture; Class, culture and consumption; Culture and instrumentalism; Value orientations or cultural toolkit?; Concluding observations; Chapter 4 The politics and policy of incivility; Informalisation and crime as a normal social fact; The 'new politics of welfare': from social steering to social regulationThe politics of withholding benefitsRegulatory communities and the politics of social inclusion; Concluding observations; Chapter 5 Family life and anti-social behaviour; Personal relationships in contemporary society; Family life and criminality; The de-civilising of parents; Family policy and anti-social behaviour under New Labour; Intensive family support: the case of the Dundee Family Project; Concluding observations: desistance from crime and anti-social behaviour; Chapter 6 Child welfare and juvenile justice; Punishing parents and the anti-social behaviour strategyYouth offending and juvenile justice in EnglandThe Children's Hearing system in Scotland; Restorative practices; Concluding observations; Chapter 7 The strategy for civil renewal and community safety; The 'third way' and the voluntary sector; Civil renewal, welfare and inauthentic politics; Community safety and established-outsider relations; Concluding observations; Chapter 8 Fear of the uncivil and the criminal; Civilising security; Signal crimes and fear; Streetwise behaviour as inverted fear; Social policy and the problem of security; Concluding observationsChapter 9 Conclusions: criminology and social policySocial policy or moral regulation?; Welfare and institutional anomie; Social policy and criminal justice: finding the balance; References; IndexRecent legislative and policy developments in contemporary Britain have ushered in a new approach to criminal justice. The focus on criminal dispositions and welfarism has given way to a strategy which now involves the management of social exclusion, dysfunctional and anti-social families and situational crime prevention, leading to what has been widely characterized as the 'criminalisation of social policy' - and evidenced most recently by the anti-social behaviour and respect agendas. This book is concerned to explore, analyse and explain these developments. It seeks at the same tiSocial controlSocial controlGreat BritainNuisancesGreat BritainPublic welfareGreat BritainCriminal justice, Administration ofGreat BritainSocial ConditionsHILCCSocial ChangeHILCCSociology & Social HistoryHILCCSocial SciencesHILCCSocial control.Social controlNuisancesPublic welfareCriminal justice, Administration ofSocial ConditionsSocial ChangeSociology & Social HistorySocial Sciences303.330941361.1Rodger John118157AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910782814003321Criminalising Social Policy3835077UNINA