03103oam 22006014a 450 991078247990332120231020224505.00-19-756167-51-280-83465-X0-19-803154-8(CKB)1000000000556454(EBL)422729(OCoLC)437109233(SSID)ssj0000289005(PQKBManifestationID)12082668(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000289005(PQKBWorkID)10382952(PQKB)10073226(MiAaPQ)EBC422729(StDuBDS)EDZ0002341480(Au-PeEL)EBL422729(CaPaEBR)ebr10266610(CaONFJC)MIL83465(EXLCZ)99100000000055645420020306d2003 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierApplied stochastic hydrogeology /Yoram RubinOxford ;New York :Oxford University Press,2003.1 online resource (xix, 391 pages) illustrationsOxford scholarship onlinePreviously issued in print: 2003.0-19-513804-X Includes bibliographical references (p. 357-384) and index.Machine generated contents note: Important Terms, xiii -- Symbols, xv --1 Introduction, 3 -- 2 Fundamentals of Stochastic Site Characterization, 13 -- 3 Estimation and Simulation, 60 -- 4 Moments of the Flow Variables, Part I: The Flow Equation and the Hydraulic Head, 86 -- 5 Moments of the Flow Variables, Part II: The Effective Conductivity, 121 -- 6 Upscaling, Computational Aspects, and Statistics of the Velocity Field, 140 -- 7 An Overview of Stochastic Tools for Modeling Transport of Tracers in Heterogeneous Media, 161 -- 8 The Eulerian Picture: Principles of the Eulerian Approach to Modeling the Transport of Solutes, 169 -- 9 The Lagrangian Picture, Part I: Fundamentals of the Lagrangian Approach to Solute Transport, 200 -- 10 The Lagrangian Picture, Part II: Models and Applications of the Lagrangian Approach to Solute Transport, 217 -- 11 Vadose Zone, Part I: Characterization and Flow Processes, 288 -- 12 Vadose Zone, Part II: Transport, 312 -- 13 Quantifying and Accounting for Uncertainty, 321 --References, 357 -- Index, 385.Stochastic hydrogeology is the study of subsurface, geological variability on flow and transport processes, supplementing existing theories which lack a rational framework for modeling the impact of the processes and incorporating them into predictions.Oxford scholarship online.HydrogeologyMathematical modelsStochastic analysisHydrogeologyMathematical models.Stochastic analysis.551.49/01/5118Rubin Yoram283817MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910782479903321Applied stochastic hydrogeology670725UNINA