04739nam 2200649Ia 450 991078234340332120230721033233.01-281-93733-9978661193733190-474-3283-510.1163/ej.9789004165090.i-230(CKB)1000000000552703(EBL)467598(OCoLC)536021166(SSID)ssj0000232934(PQKBManifestationID)11176134(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000232934(PQKBWorkID)10214792(PQKB)11109297(MiAaPQ)EBC467598(OCoLC)180851972(OCoLC)173808206(OCoLC)173808208(nllekb)BRILL9789047432838(Au-PeEL)EBL467598(CaPaEBR)ebr10363750(CaONFJC)MIL193733(EXLCZ)99100000000055270320071025d2007 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrReading ancient texts[electronic resource] essays in honour of Denis O'BrienVolume IPresocratics and Plato /edited by Suzanne Stern-Gillet and Kevin CorriganLeiden ;Boston Brillc2007-1 online resource (258 p.)Brill's studies in intellectual history,0920-8607 ;v. 161Description based upon print version of record.90-04-16509-6 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Preliminary Materials /S. Stern-Gillet and K. Corrigan -- Some Remarks On Noein In Parmenides /Francesco Fronterotta -- The Structure Of The Eye And Its Cosmological Function In Empedocles. Reconstruction Of Fragment 84 D.-K /Marwan Rashed -- Empedocles, Fragment 115.3: Can One Of The Blessed Pollute His Limbs With Blood? /Jean-Claude Picot -- Philolaus And The Central Fire /Carl Huffman -- Self-Knowledge In Plato’s Alcibiades /Christopher Gill -- Socrates On The Definition Of Figure In The Meno /Theodor Ebert -- Plato’s Phaedo As Protreptic /Rosamond Kent Sprague -- An Absurd Question: Plato, Symposium 199d /J.C.G. Strachan -- Tumescence And Spiritual Seed In The Phaedrus /Jean-François Pradeau -- Plato Against Parmenides: Sophist 236d–242b /Noburu Notomi -- Dialectic By Negation In Three Late Dialogues /Kenneth M. Sayre -- Bibliography /Denis O’Brien -- Subject Index /S. Stern-Gillet and K. Corrigan -- Index Of Names /S. Stern-Gillet and K. Corrigan.What is the history of philosophy? Is it history or is it philosophy or is it by some strange alchemy a confluence of the two? The contributors to the present volume of essays have tackled this seemingly simple, but in reality difficult and controversial, question, by drawing on their specialised knowledge of the surviving texts of leading ancient philosophers, from the Presocratics to Augustine, through Plato, Aristotle and Plotinus. These contributions, which reflect the range of methods and approaches currently used in the study of ancient texts, are offered as a tribute to the scholarship of Denis O’Brien, one of the most original and penetrating students of the thousand-year period of intense philosophical activity that constitutes ancient philosophy. Contributors include: T. Ebert, F. Fronterrota, C.J. Gill, C. Huffman, N. Notomi, J.-C. Picot, J.-F. Pradeau, M. Rashed, K. Sayre, R.K. Sprague, and J.G.C. Strachan. Publications by Denis O’Brien : • Theories of Weight in the Ancient World: Four Essays on Democritus, Plato and Aristotle - A Study in the Development of Ideas. 1. Democritus: Weight and Size. An Exercise in the Reconstruction of Early Greek Philosophy , ISBN : 978 90 04 06134 7 (Out of print) • Pour interpréter Empédocle , ISBN : 978 90 04 06249 8 (Out of print) • Theories of Weight in the Ancient World: Four Essays on Democritus, Plato and Aristotle - A Study in the Development of Ideas. 2. Plato: Weight and Sensation. The Two Theories of the 'Timaeus' , ISBN : 978 90 04 06934 3 • Théodicée plotinienne, théodicée gnostique , ISBN : 978 90 04 09618 9Brill's studies in intellectual history ;v. 162.Philosophy, AncientPre-Socratic philosophersPhilosophy, Ancient.Pre-Socratic philosophers.180O'Brien Denis1936-315159Stern-Gillet Suzanne1943-1468772Corrigan Kevin281210MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910782343403321Reading ancient texts3680107UNINA