04006nam 22008052 450 991078197470332120151005020621.01-107-22223-01-139-12515-X1-283-31502-597866133150211-139-12374-20-511-82046-11-139-12865-51-139-11363-11-139-11799-81-139-11582-0(CKB)2550000000057851(EBL)803163(OCoLC)763158076(SSID)ssj0000535054(PQKBManifestationID)11364413(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000535054(PQKBWorkID)10521885(PQKB)10141942(UkCbUP)CR9780511820465(MiAaPQ)EBC803163(Au-PeEL)EBL803163(CaPaEBR)ebr10506154(CaONFJC)MIL331502(EXLCZ)99255000000005785120141103d2011|||| uy| 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierCivil war in Europe, 1905-1949 /Stanley G. Payne[electronic resource]Cambridge :Cambridge University Press,2011.1 online resource (xii, 242 pages) digital, PDF file(s)Title from publisher's bibliographic system (viewed on 05 Oct 2015).1-107-64815-7 1-107-01090-X Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction: Revolution and civil war as forms of conflict -- pt. 1. World War I and an era of internal conflict -- World War, revolution, civil war, 1905-1918 -- The Russian Civil War, 1917-1922 -- Political and social crisis in Europe, 1918-1923 -- Civil strife and dictatorship, 1930-1935 -- pt. 2. The conflict in Spain, 1931-1939 -- The revolutionary process in Spain -- Revolution and civil war, 1936-1939 -- Significance and consequences -- pt. 3. Civil war and internal violence in the era of World War II -- The multiple wars of Europe, 1939-1945 -- The civil wars in Yugoslavia and Greece.This is the first account in any language of the civil wars in Europe during the era of the world wars, from 1905 to 1949. It treats the initial confrontations in the decade before World War I, the confusing concept of 'European civil war,' the impact of the world wars, the relation between revolution and civil war and all the individual cases of civil war, with special attention to Russia and Spain. The civil wars of this era are compared and contrasted with earlier internal conflicts, with particular attention to the factors that made this era a time of unusually violent domestic contests, as well as those that brought it to an end. The major political, ideological and social influences are all treated, with a special focus on violence against civilians.Civil warEuropeHistory20th centuryViolenceEuropeHistory20th centuryRevolutionsEuropeHistory20th centuryCivilians in warEuropeHistory20th centuryWar and societyEuropeHistory20th centurySocial conflictEuropeHistory20th centuryEuropeHistory, Military20th centuryEuropePolitics and government1871-1918EuropePolitics and government1918-1945EuropeSocial conditions20th centuryCivil warHistoryViolenceHistoryRevolutionsHistoryCivilians in warHistoryWar and societyHistorySocial conflictHistory303.6/409409041Payne Stanley G.140002UkCbUPUkCbUPBOOK9910781974703321Civil war in Europe, 1905-19493719855UNINA