03627nam 22006733u 450 991078187900332120230124183522.01-283-21182-397866132118280-8122-0263-5(CKB)2550000000051224(EBL)3441450(SSID)ssj0000542962(PQKBManifestationID)11352917(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000542962(PQKBWorkID)10511808(PQKB)10154071(MiAaPQ)EBC3441450(EXLCZ)99255000000005122420151116d2007|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrAmerican Capitalism[electronic resource] Social Thought and Political Economy in the Twentieth CenturyPhiladelphia University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.20071 online resource (392 p.)Politics and Culture in Modern AmericaDescription based upon print version of record.0-8122-1940-6 ""Cover""; ""Title Page""; ""Copyight Page""; ""Table of Contents ""; ""Introduction: Social Theory and Capitalist Reality in the American Century ""; ""Part I: Theorizing Twentieth-Century American Capitalism ""; ""Chapter 1. The Postcapitalist Vision in Twentieth-Century American Social Thought ""; ""Chapter 2. To Moscow and Baclz: American Socinl Scientists and the Concept of Convergence ""; ""Part II: Liberalism and Its Social Agenda ""; ""Chapter 3. Clark Kerr: From the Industrial to the Knowledg Eeconomy """"Chapter 4. John Kenneth Galbraith: Liberalism and the Politics of Cultural Critique """"Chapter 5. The Prophet of Post-Fordism: Peter Druclzer and the Legitimation of the Corporation ""; ""Part III: A Critique from the Left ""; ""Chapter 6. C. Wright Mills and American Social Science ""; ""Chapter 7. C. L. R. Jnmes and the Theor! of Stnte Capitalism ""; ""Chapter 8. Oliver C. Cox and the Roots of World Systems Theory ""; ""Chapter 9. Feminism, Women's History, and American Social Thoughtnt at Midcentury ""; ""Part IV: The Rise of the Right """"Chapter 10. The Rond Less Traveled: Reconsidering the Political Writings of Friedrich von Hayek """"Chapter 11. The Politics of Rich and Rich: Postwar Investigntions of Foundntions and the Rise of the Philnnthropic Right ""; ""Chapter 12. American Counterrevolutionary: Lerrluel Rickettr Boulware and Genera1 Electric, 1930-1960 ""; ""Chapter 13. Godless Capitalism: Ayn Rand and the Conservative Movement ""; ""Notes""; ""Contributors""; ""Index""; ""Acknowledgments""Politics and Culture in Modern AmericaCapitalism -- United StatesRight and left (Political science)United States -- Economic policyCapitalismUnited StatesRight and left (Political science)Business & EconomicsHILCCEconomic TheoryHILCCCapitalism -- United States.Right and left (Political science).United States -- Economic policy.CapitalismRight and left (Political science)Business & EconomicsEconomic Theory330.1220973Lichtenstein Nelson245053Lichtenstein NelsonAU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910781879003321American Capitalism3852531UNINA