02890oam 22006614a 450 991078183340332120231207173958.01-282-26974-797866122697450-299-20803-62027/heb06604(CKB)1000000000485741(SSID)ssj0000229125(PQKBManifestationID)11198472(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000229125(PQKBWorkID)10167895(PQKB)11264207(MiAaPQ)EBC3444751(OCoLC)290539564(MdBmJHUP)muse12245(Au-PeEL)EBL3444751(CaPaEBR)ebr10221953(dli)HEB06604(MiU)KOHA0000000000000000002848(EXLCZ)99100000000048574120041028h20052005 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierProletpen America's rebel Yiddish poets /edited by Amelia Glaser and David Weintraub ; translated by Amelia Glaser ; with illustrations by Dana Craft ; special editorial assistance from Yankl SalantMadison, Wis. :University of Wisconsin Press, ;[Coral Gables, Fla.] :Dora Teitelboim Center for Yiddish Culture,2005.©20051 online resource (xviii, 409 pages) illustrationsBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-299-20804-4 0-299-20800-1 Includes bibliographical references (p. 405-409).The days of proletpen in American Yiddish poetry / Dovid Katz Urban landscapeBeing a "greener" Sons of the shop Speaking of Scottsboro Encounters with the elements United in struggle Matters of the heart The poet on poetry Wars to end all wars Matters of life and deathThis anthology translates little-known Yiddish poetry by American Yiddish proletarian writers who identified with the American Left from the 1920s to the early 1950s. Dovid Katz explains how a McCarthy-era ""American Yiddish Political Correctness"" wrote these leftist poets out of the canon. Amelia Glaser and David Weintraub correct this erasure.Yiddish poetryUnited StatesTranslations into EnglishYiddish poetry20th centuryTranslations into EnglishYiddish poetryUnited StatesHistory and criticismYiddish poetryYiddish poetryYiddish poetryHistory and criticism.839/.113080973Glaser Amelia942829Weintraub David1958-942830Craft Dana942831MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910781833403321Proletpen2127593UNINA04352nam 22004693 450 991016425170332120230725020318.097819086929791908692979(CKB)3810000000101179(MiAaPQ)EBC4808168(Au-PeEL)EBL4808168(CaPaEBR)ebr11349551(OCoLC)974590531(BIP)059099064(Exl-AI)4808168(EXLCZ)99381000000010117920210901d2011 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Sailors Whom Nelson LedSan Francisco :Wagram Press,2011.©2011.1 online resource (243 pages)Intro -- PREFACE -- CONTENTS -- LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS -- LIST OF MAPS AND PLANS -- CHAPTER I "WE ARE FEW, BUT THE RIGHT SORT"-CAPTAIN NELSON'S "AGAMEMNONS -- CHAPTER II AT THE NILE -- ON THAT WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON -- GOLIATH" STRIKES THE FIRST BLOW. -- CAPTAIN SAMUEL HOOD TAKES THE FRENCH VAN SHIP -- WITH NELSON IN THE FLAGSHIP "VANGUARD -- THE CAPTAIN OF THE "ORION" AND HIS MEN -- WHAT THE CAPTAIN OF THE "THESEUS" SAW AND DID -- HOW THE "BILLY RUFF'NS" TACKLED MIGHTY "L'ORIENT -- THE BRITISH CAPTAIN WHO FELL AT THE NILE -- IN THE LAST HOUR OF THE FRENCH FLAGSHIP -- THE FATE OF NELSON'S NILE DISPATCH -- CHAPTER III AT COPENHAGEN -- AT THE OPENING OF THE CAMPAIGN -- BY NELSON'S SIDE ON THE QUARTER-DECK -- WITH NELSON'S SECOND IN COMMAND -- IN THE VERY HOTTEST OF THE BATTLE -- HOW ONE OF NELSON'S OLD MESSMATES HAD HIS SHARE. -- THE HARD LUCK OF THE "BELLONAS -- THE OFFICER WHO CARRIED NELSON'S LETTER TO THE CROWN PRINCE -- ON BOARD SIR HYDE PARKER'S FLAGSHIP -- CHAPTER IV AT TRAFALGAR -- GOING DOWN TO BATTLE -- ENGLAND EXPECTS THAT EVERY MAN WILL DO HIS DUTY -- ON BOARD THE "VICTORY -- UNDER FIRE WITH COLLINGWOOD AND HIS "TARS OF THE TYNE -- THE FIGHT OF THE "FIGHTING 'TÉ MÉ RAIRE' -- THE "BELLEISLES" HOLD THEIR OWN AT BAY -- 'BILLY RUFF'N'-VICTORY OR DEATH! -- HOW THE CAPTAIN OF THE "MARS" MET HIS FATE -- THE "CONQUERORS" MAKE GOOD THEIR NAME -- WHAT THE CAPTAIN OF THE "ORION" SAW AND DID -- WITH THE MEN OF THE "REVENGE -- MIDSHIPMAN JACK SPRATT OF THE "DEFIANCE -- ON BOARD NELSON'S NILE PRIZE, THE "TONNANT -- CHAPTER V THE MAN WHO HOISTED NELSON'S SIGNAL -- AT TRAFALGAR -- CHAPTER VI THE AVENGER OF NELSON -- CHAPTER VII HOW ENGLAND HEARD THE NEWS OF NELSON'S DEATH.Of the many famous, courageous leaders of the Napoleonic Wars, and on sea beyond that era, few stand as high in estimation as Horatio Nelson, lauded by his countrymen, respected by his enemies, and despite his lack of understanding of warfare on the waves by the Emperor Napoleon himself. His tale of glory was short but blazingly bright, terminating at Trafalgar in 1805, having made his name at the battle of the Nile and Copenhagen earlier in the wars. However, the wars with France thereafter did not terminate until 1815, with a brief respite in 1814; how then, without Nelson, was the supremacy of the Royal Navy maintained? Edward Fraser provides a good deal of the answer in his book, which seeks to sketch a picture of the captains, officers, and sailors who executed Nelson's orders with gusto, determination and, in many cases, with some of their own flair.The "Band of Brothers" that Nelson led and inspired are described in detail - their actions and deeds, which may have been outshone by those of their leader - but they were great fighting men in their own right, Codrington, Suamarez, Troubridge et al. Fraser is adept at using the sources of all ranks and includes the ordinary seaman's view as well as more junior officers, to complete the view of the sailors who fought and won the war on the seas.Highly recommended.Illustrations - 16 - all includedMaps - 4 - all includedNapoleonic Wars, 1800-1815Generated by AISailorsGreat BritainGenerated by AINapoleonic Wars, 1800-1815.Sailors940.2745Fraser Edward1371024MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910164251703321The Sailors Whom Nelson Led3399659UNINA