02811nam 2200613 a 450 991078140510332120230307052039.01-60086-722-7(CKB)2550000000072649(CtWfDGI)bke00043379(SSID)ssj0000550919(PQKBManifestationID)12207220(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000550919(PQKBWorkID)10524945(PQKB)10693397(Au-PeEL)EBL3111684(CaPaEBR)ebr10516789(OCoLC)922979132(MiAaPQ)EBC3111684(EXLCZ)99255000000007264920090821d2009 uy 0engurzn||||||txtccrAnalytical mechanics of space systems /Hanspeter Schaub, John L. Junkins2nd edition.Reston, Va. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronauticsc2009xxi, 793 p. illAIAA education seriesTitle from title screen.1-60086-721-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Particle kinematics -- Newtonian mechanics -- Rigid body kinematics -- Eulerian mechanics -- Generalized methods of analytical dynamics -- Variational methods in analytical dynamics -- Hamilton's generalized formulations of analytical dynamics -- Nonlinear spacecraft stability and control -- Classical two-body problem -- Restricted three-body problem -- Gravitational potential field models -- Perturbation methods -- Transfer orbits -- Spacecraft formation flying -- Appendix A. Transport theorem derivation using linear algebra -- Appendix B. Various Euler angle transformations -- Appendix C. MRP identity proof -- Appendix D. Conic section transformations -- Appendix E. Numerical subroutines library -- Appendix F. First-order mapping between mean and osculating orbit elements -- Appendix G. Direct linear mapping between Cartesian Hill frame coordinates and orbit element differences -- Appendix H. Hamel coefficients for the rotational motion of a rigid body.AIAA education series.Celestial mechanicsDifferentiable dynamical systemsOrbital mechanicsSpace vehiclesControl systemsCelestial mechanics.Differentiable dynamical systems.Orbital mechanics.Space vehiclesControl systems.521Schaub Hanspeter1513838Junkins John L8527MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910781405103321Analytical mechanics of space systems3748496UNINA