04613oam 2200961I 450 991078128440332120230814231907.01-78049-257-X0-429-91121-10-429-89698-00-429-47221-81-283-07104-597866130710401-84940-752-510.4324/9780429472213 (CKB)2550000000033452(EBL)689868(OCoLC)723944127(SSID)ssj0000521085(PQKBManifestationID)11330800(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000521085(PQKBWorkID)10522833(PQKB)11663369(MiAaPQ)EBC689868(Au-PeEL)EBL689868(CaPaEBR)ebr10463791(CaONFJC)MIL307104(OCoLC)1029242812(OCoLC)475454993(FINmELB)ELB140108(EXLCZ)99255000000003345220180706d2018 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrBearing witness psychoanalytic work with people traumatized by torture and state violence /editors, Andres Gautier and Anna Sabatini ScalmatiAbingdon, Oxon ;New York, NY :Routledge,2018.1 online resource (263 p.)EFPP clinical monograph series"Published by Karnac for the European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy"--Cover.0-367-32342-7 1-85575-796-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.COVER; BEARING WITNESS; PART I: FAR AWAY FROM HOME; CHAPTER ONE: EAmbiguity as a defence in extreme trauma; CHAPTER TWO: Routes to the unspeakable: Working with victims of torture; CHAPTER THREE: Social conflicts and psychic suffering; CHAPTER FOUR: Internal homelessness; CHAPTER FIVE: The post-traumatic nightmare: The via regia to unconscious integration?; CHAPTER SIX: The rupture of links in the context of migration: Open mouthed and sewn mouth; PART II: THERE WHERE HORROR HAPPENS; CHAPTER SEVEN: The place of compassion in political conflict; CHAPTER EIGHT: Tell me your storyCHAPTER NINE: The psychoanalyst: From private witness to public testimonyREFERENCESIn their discussion of torture, the contributors to this book write of what its victims cannot put into words and the work that has to be done with them to that end. Working with a victim's account of a traumatic experience goes much further than any debriefing technique would have us believe. Above all, victims need someone to listen carefully to what they have to say: that person will be the first to offer a refuge for the pain of those who have no internal "shelter" of their own.The authors go on to discuss the kind of mental processing that can free victims from their unspeakable trauma, a trauma that has no framework in time or words with which to express it.' Rene Kaes from the Foreword --Book Jacket.EFPP clinical monograph series.Torture victimsMental healthTorture victimsRehabilitationTorture victimsPsychological aspectsTorture victimsCounseling ofTorture victimsMedical carePolitical prisonersMental healthPolitical prisonersRehabilitationPolitical prisonersPsychological aspectsPolitical prisonersCounseling ofPolitical prisonersMedical carePsychoanalysisTorture victimsMental health.Torture victimsRehabilitation.Torture victimsPsychological aspects.Torture victimsCounseling of.Torture victimsMedical care.Political prisonersMental health.Political prisonersRehabilitation.Political prisonersPsychological aspects.Political prisonersCounseling of.Political prisonersMedical care.Psychoanalysis.616.8521616.89Gautier Andres1526469Scalmati Anna Sabatini1526470European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in the Public Health Services.FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910781284403321Bearing witness3768528UNINA