03942nam 2200589 a 450 991078126430332120230725051830.00-309-20997-81-283-01917-597866130191720-309-16276-9(CKB)2550000000032436(EBL)3378746(SSID)ssj0000536440(PQKBManifestationID)11324339(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000536440(PQKBWorkID)10549246(PQKB)10060984(MiAaPQ)EBC3378746(Au-PeEL)EBL3378746(CaPaEBR)ebr10454965(CaONFJC)MIL301917(OCoLC)726823497(EXLCZ)99255000000003243620110413d2011 uh 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrEvaluation of U.S. Air Force preacquisition technology development /National Research Council of the National AcademiesWashington, D.C. National Academies Press20111 online resource (155 p.)"Committee on Evaluation of U.S. Air Force Preacquisition Technology Development, Air Force Studies Board, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences."0-309-16275-0 Includes bibliographical references.""Front Matter""; ""Preface""; ""Acknowledgment of Reviewers""; ""Contents""; ""Acronyms""; ""Summary""; ""1 Preacquisition Technology Development for Air Force Weapon Systems""; ""2 The Current State of the Air Force's Acquisition Policies, Processes, and Workforce""; ""3 Government and Industry Best Practices""; ""4 The Recommended Path Forward""; ""Appendixes""; ""Appendix A: Biographical Sketches of Committee Members""; ""Appendix B: Meetings and Participating Organizations""; ""Appendix C: Background Information on Policies and Processes Related to Technology Development""""Appendix D: Background Information on the Vanguard Process and Applied Technology Councils""From the days of biplanes and open cockpits, the air forces of the United States have relied on the mastery of technology. From design to operation, a project can stretch to 20 years and more, with continuous increases in cost. Much of the delay and cost growth afflicting modern United States Air Force (USAF) programs is rooted in the incorporation of advanced technology into major systems acquisition. Leaders in the Air Force responsible for science and technology and acquisition are trying to determine the optimal way to utilize existing policies, processes, and resources to properly document and execute pre-program of record technology development efforts, including opportunities to facilitate the rapid acquisition of revolutionary capabilities and the more deliberate acquisition of evolutionary capabilities. This book responds to this need with an examination of the current state of Air Force technology development and the environment in which technology is acquired. The book considers best practices from both government and industry to distill appropriate recommendations that can be implemented within the USAF.--Publisher's description.Aeronautics, MilitaryTechnological innovationsUnited StatesAeronautics, MilitaryTechnological innovations629.1National Research Council (U.S.).Committee on Evaluation of U.S. Air Force Preacquisition Technology Development.National Research Council (U.S.).Air Force Studies Board.National Research Council (U.S.).Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910781264303321Evaluation of U.S. Air Force preacquisition technology development3833217UNINA