05038nam 2201069Ia 450 991078103280332120200520144314.01-282-56913-997866125691351-4008-3464-310.1515/9781400834648(CKB)2550000000011889(EBL)537633(OCoLC)642206030(SSID)ssj0000412458(PQKBManifestationID)11281106(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000412458(PQKBWorkID)10365985(PQKB)11617151(MiAaPQ)EBC537633(StDuBDS)EDZ0000406700(MdBmJHUP)muse36912(DE-B1597)446994(OCoLC)979579033(DE-B1597)9781400834648(Au-PeEL)EBL537633(CaPaEBR)ebr10386054(CaONFJC)MIL256913(PPN)187955069(EXLCZ)99255000000001188920100107d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrBalancing the banks[electronic resource] global lessons from the financial crisis /Mathias Dewatripont, Jean-Charles Rochet, and Jean Tirole; translated by Keith TribeCourse BookPrinceton Princeton University Pressc20101 online resource (149 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-691-16819-9 0-691-14523-7 Includes bibliographical references and index. Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- CHAPTER 1 Introduction / Dewatripont, Mathias / Rochet, Jean-Charles / Tirole, Jean -- CHAPTER 2 Lessons from the Crisis / Tirole, Jean -- CHAPTER 3. The Future of Banking Regulation / Rochet, Jean-Charles -- CHAPTER 4. The Treatment of Distressed Banks / Dewatripont, Mathias / Rochet, Jean-Charles -- References -- IndexThe financial crisis that began in 2007 in the United States swept the world, producing substantial bank failures and forcing unprecedented state aid for the crippled global financial system. Bringing together three leading financial economists to provide an international perspective, Balancing the Banks draws critical lessons from the causes of the crisis and proposes important regulatory reforms, including sound guidelines for the ways in which distressed banks might be dealt with in the future. While some recent policy moves go in the right direction, others, the book argues, are not sufficient to prevent another crisis. The authors show the necessity of an adaptive prudential regulatory system that can better address financial innovation. Stressing the numerous and complex challenges faced by politicians, finance professionals, and regulators, and calling for reinforced international coordination (for example, in the treatment of distressed banks), the authors put forth a number of principles to deal with issues regarding the economic incentives of financial institutions, the impact of economic shocks, and the role of political constraints. Offering a global perspective, Balancing the Banks should be read by anyone concerned with solving the current crisis and preventing another such calamity in the future.Banks and bankingGovernment policyBanks and bankingState supervisionGlobal Financial Crisis, 2008-2009Financial crisesHistory21st centuryBasel Accords.G20 countries.banking industry.banking regulation.banking sector.capital requirements.credit-rating agency.distressed banks.economy.financial crises.financial crisis.financial industry.financial innovation.financial institution.financial policy.financial regulation.financial system reform.global finance.international cooperation.international financial regime.prudential regulation.real estate lending.regulatory reform.state aid.subsidies.Banks and bankingGovernment policy.Banks and bankingState supervision.Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009.Financial crisesHistory332.1QK 640rvkDewatripont M(Mathias)140528Rochet Jean-Charles140852Tirole Jean60161Tribe Keith123243MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910781032803321Balancing the banks3753134UNINA