04246nam 2201333z- 450 991056646980332120231214133347.0(CKB)5680000000037682(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/81074(EXLCZ)99568000000003768220202205d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierA Themed Issue Dedicated to Professor John B. Goodenough on the Occasion of His 100th Birthday AnniversaryBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (256 p.)3-0365-3195-5 3-0365-3194-7 This book of Molecules is dedicated to Professor John B. Goodenough (born July 25, 1922, Jena, Germany), an American physicist, who won the 2019 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his work on developing lithium-ion batteries.Research & information: generalbicsscChemistrybicsscPhysical chemistrybicsscstructurebondingphysical propertiescollective or localized electronsexchange integralp-magnetismboron sub-oxideinterstitial atomsDFTDOSELFcharge density plotsbifunctional catalysthybrid catalystoxygen reduction reactionoxygen evolution reactionfour-electron pathwaylithium ionic conductorperovskite structuresolid electrolyteoxidelithium-sulfur batteriestungsten oxide nanowireinterlayerthiosulfate mediatorKeywords: spin exchangemagnetic orbitalsligand p-orbital tailsM-L-M exchangeM-L...L-M exchangeα-CuV2O6LiCuVO4(CuCl)LaNb2O7Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2spin Hamiltonianmagnetismenergy-mapping analysisfour-state methodGreen's function methodmagnetic ground statespin exchangemagnetic anisotropymolecular anionMPS3qualitative rulesbatteriespositive electrodevanadium phosphatescovalent vanadyl bondmixed aniondensity functional theoryquantum Monte Carlofast Li+ ion conductorLi-ion batteryspinelsolid-state batterycathode-electrolyte interfaceindigo carminesolid polymer electrolytesolid state batteryLMP® technologyorganic batterylayered oxide cathodesalkali-alkali interactionselectronic structureLi diffusiondefect engineeringperovskite electrolytelithium-ion batterymigration pathwayanisotropic responsecathodepolyanionhigh-voltageResearch & information: generalChemistryPhysical chemistryJobic Stephaneedt1277811Delmas ClaudeedtWhangbo Myung-HwanedtÉtourneau JeanedtJobic StephaneothDelmas ClaudeothWhangbo Myung-HwanothÉtourneau JeanothBOOK9910566469803321A Themed Issue Dedicated to Professor John B. Goodenough on the Occasion of His 100th Birthday Anniversary3012093UNINA04463nam 2200661 a 450 991078102000332120200403200618.01-282-62780-597866126278041-84545-921-010.1515/9781845459215(CKB)2550000000016694(EBL)544431(OCoLC)647933072(SSID)ssj0000438116(PQKBManifestationID)12191172(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000438116(PQKBWorkID)10448743(PQKB)10274786(MiAaPQ)EBC544431(DE-B1597)636148(DE-B1597)9781845459215(EXLCZ)99255000000001669420090219d2009 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierIndispensable eyesores[electronic resource] an anthropology of undesired buildings /Mélanie van der HoornNew York Berghahn Books20091 online resourceRemapping cultural history ;v. 10Description based upon print version of record.1-84545-530-4 Includes bibliographical references (p. [238]-253) and index.Frontmatter -- Contents -- List of Illustrations -- Foreword -- 1. Dragons, Tunnels, Gold and Russians: Narrative Introductions into the Bowels of ‘Corrupt’ Architecture -- 2. Between Pragmatic Clearance and Pure Iconoclasm: Theoretical Perspectives on the Life and Death of Undesired Buildings -- 3. 13 May 2001, 8.01 A.M. – 1 Building, 20,000 People and 450 Kilograms of Explosives: The Elimination of the Kaiserbau in Troisdorf as a Secular Sacrifice -- 4. Witnessing Urbicide: Contested Destruction in Sarajevo -- 5. From Nuclear Waste to a Temple of Consumerism: The Recuperation and Neutralization of the Ex-would-be Nuclear Power Plant in Kalkar -- 6. Consuming the ‘Platte’ in East Berlin: The Revaluation of Former GDR Architecture -- 7. If Not Clearing, Then At Least Thinking Them Away: The Significance of Unrealized Proposals and the Viennese Flaktürme -- 8. ‘L’ like ‘Left to Its Own Devices’: The Progressive Dilapidation of the Kulturhaus in Zinnowitz -- 9. Exorcizing Remains: Architectural Fragments as Intermediaries between History and Individual Experience -- 10. In Fond Memory of a Rejected Edifice: Reaffirming Agency by Rehabilitating Vanished Eyesores -- 11. Eyesores Are Indispensable: Concluding Remarks -- Epilogue. Taboos on the Multi-Sensory Materiality of Buildings and Their Agency -- Notes -- Bibliography -- IndexCollapsing concrete colossuses, run-down overgrown skeletons, immutable architectural misfits: the outcasts from our built environment, which we are dying to dispose of — and yet cannot do without — have inspired many ghost stories, crime novels and urban legends. Such narratives reveal the significance of architectural eyesores for the people who live or work in or near them. After exploring various approaches to building lives and deaths, the author presents a rich variety of undesired edifices in Germany, Hungary, Austria and Bosnia-Herzegovina and investigates the different methods used to dispose of them: eliminating, damaging, transforming or ‘reframing’ them, abandoning them to progressive dilapidation or virtually rejecting them. Discarding an edifice, however, need not bring its social life to an end. This analysis continues with a reflection on the afterlife of unwanted buildings, and concludes with a discussion on the life expectancy of buildings, their multi-sensory materiality and ‘thingly’ agency.Remapping cultural history ;v. 10.Architecture and anthropologyArchitectureHuman factorsAbandoned buildingsArchitecture and societyArchitecture and anthropology.ArchitectureHuman factors.Abandoned buildings.Architecture and society.303.4306.4/6306.46Hoorn Mélanie van der1555153MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910781020003321Indispensable eyesores3816819UNINA