03052nam 2200661 a 450 991078089900332120230207230942.00-8214-4243-0(CKB)2440000000014096(EBL)1773371(OCoLC)889675564(SSID)ssj0000376642(PQKBManifestationID)11305275(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000376642(PQKBWorkID)10333926(PQKB)10075882(MiAaPQ)EBC1773371(OCoLC)648346527(MdBmJHUP)muse9466(Au-PeEL)EBL1773371(CaPaEBR)ebr10214181(EXLCZ)99244000000001409620061214d2007 ub 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrImagining Serengeti[electronic resource] a history of landscape memory in Tanzania from earliest times to the present /Jan Bender ShetlerAthens Ohio University Pressc20071 online resource (393 p.)New African histories seriesDescription based upon print version of record.0-8214-1750-9 0-8214-1749-5 Includes bibliographical references (p. 325-360) and index.Illustrations; Preface; Acknowledgments; Introduction Landscapes of Memory; 1 Ecological Landscapes; 2 Social Landscapes; 3 Sacred Landscapes; 4 The Time of Disasters; 5 Resistance to Colonial Incorporation; 6 The Creation of Serengeti National Park; Glossary; Notes; Bibliography Many students come to African history with a host of stereotypes that are not always easy to dislodge. One of the most common is that of Africa as safari grounds-as the land of expansive, unpopulated game reserves untouched by civilization and preserved in their original pristine state by the tireless efforts of contemporary conservationists. With prose that is elegant in its simplicity and analysis that is forceful and compelling, Jan Bender Shetler brings the landscape memory of the Serengeti to life. She demonstrates how the social identities of western Serengeti peoples are embedded in spNew African histories series.Landscape assessmentTanzaniaSerengeti National ParkLandscape changesTanzaniaSerengeti National ParkLandscapesSocial aspectsTanzaniaSerengeti National ParkGeographical perceptionTanzaniaSerengeti National ParkOral traditionTanzaniaSerengeti National ParkLandscape assessmentLandscape changesLandscapesSocial aspectsGeographical perceptionOral tradition967.8Shetler Jan Bender1471987MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910780899003321Imagining Serengeti3717361UNINA