03084nam 2200613Ia 450 991078081090332120230721005436.01-282-44125-69786612441257981-283-499-0(CKB)2550000000001087(EBL)477261(OCoLC)568540094(SSID)ssj0000335033(PQKBManifestationID)11233678(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000335033(PQKBWorkID)10271034(PQKB)10382422(MiAaPQ)EBC477261(WSP)00000447 (Au-PeEL)EBL477261(CaPaEBR)ebr10361914(CaONFJC)MIL244125(EXLCZ)99255000000000108720090825d2009 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrBasic control volume finite element methods for fluids and solids[electronic resource] /Vaughan R. VollerSingapore ;Hackensack, NJ World Scientificc20091 online resource (185 p.)IISc research monograph series ;v. 1Description based upon print version of record.981-283-498-2 Includes bibliographical references (p. 167-168) and index.Series Preface; Preface; Contents; 1. Introduction; 2. Governing Equations; 3. The Essential Ingredients in a Numerical Solution; 4. Control Volume Finite Element Data Structure; 5. Control Volume Finite Element Method (CVFEM) Discretization and Solution; 6. The Control Volume Finite Difference Method; 7. Analytical and CVFEM Solutions of Advection-Diffusion Equations; 8. A Plane Stress CVFEM Solution; 9. CVFEM Stream function-Vorticity Solution for a Lid Driven Cavity Flow; 10. Notes toward the Development of a 3-D CVFEM Code; Appendix A. A Meshing Code; Appendix B. A CVFEM CodeBibliographyIndexThe Control Volume Finite Element Method (CVFEM) is a hybrid numerical method, combining the physics intuition of Control Volume Methods with the geometric flexibility of Finite Element Methods. The concept of this monograph is to introduce a common framework for the CVFEM solution so that it can be applied to both fluid flow and solid mechanics problems. To emphasize the essential ingredients, discussion focuses on the application to problems in two-dimensional domains which are discretized with linear-triangular meshes. This allows for a straightforward provision of the key information requiIISc research monograph series ;v. 1.Finite element methodFinite volume methodFinite element method.Finite volume method.629.1/08Voller V. R(Vaughan R.)1560002MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910780810903321Basic control volume finite element methods for fluids and solids3825624UNINA