03470nam 2200733Ia 450 991078073670332120210905012120.01-282-88513-897866128851363-11-024086-610.1515/9783110240863(CKB)2480000000004681(EBL)605952(OCoLC)682626835(SSID)ssj0000424803(PQKBManifestationID)11965185(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000424803(PQKBWorkID)10475064(PQKB)10874389(DE-B1597)39445(OCoLC)979745073(OCoLC)987933942(OCoLC)992453960(DE-B1597)9783110240863(Au-PeEL)EBL605952(CaPaEBR)ebr10424390(CaONFJC)MIL288513(MiAaPQ)EBC605952(PPN)175563640(EXLCZ)99248000000000468120100715d2010 uy 0itaur||#||||||||txtccrP. Ovidii Nasonis Heroidum epistula 10[electronic resource] Ariadne Theseo : introduzione, testo e commento /di Chiara BattistellaBerlin ;New York De Gruyterc20101 online resource (143 p.)Texte und Kommentare,0563-3087 ;Bd. 35Description based upon print version of record.3-11-024085-8 Includes bibliographical references and index.Frontmatter --Sommario --Ringraziamenti --Introduzione --Nota al Testo --Ariadne Theseo --Commento --BackmatterAriadne's elegiac letter to her faithless Theseus offers the epistolary mise en scène of the heroine's lamentation previously versified by Catullus in his epyllion (carmen 64). The Ovidian text looks retrospectively at its predecessor and is inevitably indebted to it. This volume explores the complex relationship between the Ovidian and the Catullan model and focuses on literary memory, allusive forms, generic boundaries and transgression. Resorting to more recent interpretative approaches and an updated bibliography, the introduction aims at disclosing the parallel construction of text and character, placing emphasis on the sophisticated dialogic contact with the source-texts (e.g. from elegy, epic, comedy) and its literary effects on the epistle. The text also deals with some metaliterary and authorial instances to which readers of the Heroides are quite familiar. The commentary surveys aspects of Ovidian language and style and discusses major textual problems shedding light on literary sources and strategies of dramatic irony.epistle to its literary models.Texte und Kommentare ;Bd. 35.Epistolary poetry, LatinHistory and criticismAriadne (Greek mythology) in literatureAriadne, Theseus.Heroides.Intertextuality.Ovid.Epistolary poetry, LatinHistory and criticism.Ariadne (Greek mythology) in literature.871/.01FX 191155rvkBattistella Chiara1484831MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910780736703321P. Ovidii Nasonis Heroidum epistula 103703637UNINA