03319oam 2200721I 450 991078060540332120230617002531.01-135-77715-297866100633831-280-06338-61-135-77716-00-203-01033-710.4324/9780203010334 (CKB)2440000000042716(StDuBDS)AH3699662(SSID)ssj0000208919(PQKBManifestationID)11156955(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000208919(PQKBWorkID)10244731(PQKB)11147329(MiAaPQ)EBC214535(Au-PeEL)EBL214535(CaPaEBR)ebr10094274(CaONFJC)MIL6338(OCoLC)475921232(OCoLC)972013518(EXLCZ)99244000000004271620180331d2003 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtccrNaval strategy and operations in narrow seas /Milan N. Vego2nd rev. ed.London ;Portland, Or. :Frank Cass,2003.1 online resource (352 p.) Cass series--naval policy and history,1366-9478 ;5Previous ed.: 1999.0-7146-4425-0 0-7146-5389-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.The factor of space; positions; bases; theatre and its elements; strategic objectives and fleet distribution; sea control and sea denial; methods; securing command; exercising command; contesting command; attacks on maritime trade; protection of maritime trade; support of the army flank.This work covers naval strategy and operations in narrow seas, contending that blue-water navies must revise the view that a fleet capable of defeating an adversary on the open ocean will automatically do the same in narrow seas.Many books and articles have been written on wars in narrow seas. However, none deals in any comprehensive manner with the problems of strategy and conduct of naval operations. The aim of this book is to explain in some detail the characteristics of a war fought in narrow seas and to compare and contrast strategy and major operations in narrow seas and naval warfare in the open ocean.. Many books and articles have been written on wars in narrow seas. However, none deals in any comprehensive manner with the problems of strategy and conduct of naval operations. The aim of this book is to explain in some detail the characteristics of a war fought in narrow seas and to compare and contrast strategy and major operations in narrow seas and naval warfare in the open ocean..Cass series--naval policy and history ;5.Naval strategyNaval tacticsSea controlCoast defensesNaval strategy.Naval tactics.Sea control.Coast defenses.359.42Vego Milan N.1136934MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910780605403321Naval strategy and operations in narrow seas3727509UNINA