05417nam 2200649Ia 450 991078037370332120230331015625.0979-88-908658-9-20-8078-6336-X(CKB)111087027912442(EBL)475184(OCoLC)70746348(SSID)ssj0000164772(PQKBManifestationID)12008168(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000164772(PQKBWorkID)10125374(PQKB)11201616(Au-PeEL)EBL475184(CaPaEBR)ebr10052966(MiAaPQ)EBC475184(EXLCZ)9911108702791244219841029h19881985 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrGoverning the hearth[electronic resource] law and the family in nineteenth-century America /Michael GrossbergChapel Hill University of North Carolina Press1988, c19851 online resource (432 p.)Studies in legal historyDescription based upon print version of record.0-8078-4225-7 0-8078-1646-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Contents; Preface; Notes; Acknowledgments; Introduction; 1. Domestic Relations: A Law for Republican Families; The Emergence of the Republican Family; The Beginning of the ""Crisis of the Familiy""; Founding a Republican Legal Order; Creating a Republican Concept of Domestic Relations; Making Matrimony a Private Contract; Marriage Revision; Launching an Attack on Patriarchy; Guarding Homes; Notes; Part I. Matrimony: Courtship, Nuptials, Prohibitions; 2. Broken Promises: Judges and the Law of Courtship; A Common Law for Republican Courtship; The Judicial Reception of the SuitJudges Create Rules for CourtshipSeduction and the Shifting Bias of the Law; Judges Defend the Suit; The Effort to Liberate Courtship from the Law; Critics Challenge the Courts; Judicial Accommodations and the Limits of Reform; Legal Doubts; Notes; 3. Nuptial License: The Regulation of Weddings; Matrimony Becomes a Republican Right; An Uncertain Colonial Nuptial Legacy; Judges Differ over Marriages without Ceremonies; The Triumph of Common-Law Marriage; Expanding the Legal Freedom to Marry; The Courts Put Old Rules to New Purposes; Republican NuptialsA Marriage Reform Movement Challenges the LawThe Case against Marriage Law; The Fight over Common-Law Marriages; Growing State Incursions into Nuptial Rights; The Judicial Defense of Common-Law Marriage; A New Balance; Notes; 4. Matrimonial Limitations: Who's Fit to Wed?; The Adoption of Traditional Nuptial Prohibitions; Setting Physical Qualifications for Marriage; Youthful Marriages; Sexual Incapacity; Kin Restrictions; Mental Incompetence; Preventing Nuptial Dishonesty; The Campaign against Mormonism; Americans Fashion Racial Restrictions; Antebellum Efforts at Racial PurityThe Denial of Marriage to SlavesReconstructing the Color Line after the Civil War; Slave Unions; Antimiscegination Laws; Late Nineteenth Century Attempts to Prevent ""Unfit"" Marriages; The Campaign against Youthful Marriage; The Hygienic Invasion of Marriage Law; Incest Fears; Mental Fitness; Medical Restrictions; Notes; Part II. Parenthood: Birth, Legitimacy, Custody; 5. Contraception and Abortion: Who Controls the Womb?; The Law Endorses Parental Choice in Antebellum America; Birth Control Enters Family Law; Abortion Becomes a New Crime; Judges Protect Early-Term AbortionsThe Battle over Abortion BeginsMid-Century Childbirth; Contraception and Abortion Become Obscenities; The Spread of Antiabortion Agitation; Contraception Becomes a Major Crime; The Courts and the Defense of Family Limitation; Judges Weaken Antiabortion Laws; The Federal Campaign against Birth Control; Legal Differences; Notes; 6. Bastard Rights: Recognizing a New Family Member; The Colonies Inherit a Repressive Heritage; The Creation of a Republican Bastardy Law; Reducing the Chances of Becoming or Staying a Bastard; The Creation of a Bastard Family; The Poor Laws Resist Change; New RightsBastardy Law and the Process of Legal DiffusionPresenting a new framework for understanding the complex but vital relationship between legal history and the family, Michael Grossberg analyzes the formation of legal policies on such issues as common law marriage, adoption, and rights for illegitimate children. He shows how legal changes diminished male authority, increased women's and children's rights, and fixed more clearly the state's responsibilities in family affairs. Grossberg further illustrates why many basic principles of this distinctive and powerful new body of law--antiabortion and maternal biases in child custody--remained in eStudies in legal history.Domestic relationsUnited StatesHistoryUnited StatesHistory19th centuryDomestic relationsHistory.346.7301346.7301509347.3061509Grossberg Michael1950-1516216MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910780373703321Governing the hearth3822191UNINA