03183oam 2200529I 450 991078031550332120240102235736.01-136-56840-91-4175-2175-91-280-47575-797866104757591-136-56841-7600-00-0302-11-84977-095-610.4324/9781849770958(MiAaPQ)EBC430072(Au-PeEL)EBL430072(CaPaEBR)ebr10128847(CaONFJC)MIL47575(OCoLC)466435390(OCoLC)55808543(CKB)111090529263830(EXLCZ)9911109052926383020180706d2002 uy 0engur|n|---|||||Design for sustainability a sourcebook of integrated, eco-logical solutions /Janis BirkelandLondon ;Sterling, Va. :Earthscan Publications Ltd.,2002.1 online resource (xiv, 274 p.) ill1-85383-897-7 1-85383-900-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.section 1. Designing eco-solutions -- section 2. The concepts of growth and waste -- section 3. Industrial, urban and construction ecology -- section 4. Design within complex social systems -- section 5. Permaculture and landscape design -- section 6. Values embodied in and reinforced by design -- section 7. Design for community building and health -- section 8. Productivity, land and transport efficiency -- section 9. Design with less energy, materials and waste -- section 10. Low-impact housing design and materials -- section 11. Construction and environmental regulation -- section 12. Planning and project assessment.With radical and innovative design solutions, everyone could be living in buildings and settlements that are more like gardens than cargo containers, and that purify air and water, generate energy, treat sewage and produce food - at lower cost. Birkeland introduces systems design thinking that cuts across academic and professional boundaries and the divide between social and physical sciences to move towards a transdiciplinary approach to environmental and social problem-solving. This sourcebook is useful for teaching, as each topic within the field of environmental management and social change has pairs of short readings providing diverse perspectives to compare, contrast and debate. Design for Sustainability presents examples of integrated systems design based on ecological principles and concepts and drawn from the foremost designers in the fields of industrial design, materials, housing design, urban planning and transport, landscape and permaculture, and energy and resource management.Ecological engineeringSustainable developmentEcological engineering.Sustainable development.363.7Birkeland Janis1945-,1574694MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910780315503321Design for sustainability3851109UNINA